We can edit?

CP is NOT a big fat dummy.

This bodes ill, I can tell…

Yep, looks like it

So how can we know that I first said something about Cecil’s mother and then changed it to “CP”?

No doubt we’re on the honor system here. I also have no doubt it will be yanked right out again if it’s abused.

…I are a doodyhead

What goes around comes around. See, we’re all saying things about you and then editing them out.

Testing…test completed!

(you do not need a reason for editing)

Huh, interesting, it does not even show the time that I edited…

Maybe that’s only because no one else has read the thread yet…

Now what happens if I provide a reason…

What happens if I edit again?

… without a reason?


So, if you edit your post before anyone else reads the thread, the “Edited by” doesn’t show up, unless you provide a reason - but if you edit it again and remove the reason before anyone reads it, the edited by goes away again.

It is only for 5 minutes. If you say something truly offensive, you still have to watch out for someone quoting it before you change it.

If you had edited it, we would see the last edited message.


Only if there had been new views since the the original post. If you edit before the thread is opened by someone else (which is what the view count actually represents), there’s no “edited by” message.

I think that will become the new SOP in GD, the Pit, and flameouts. Quote the OP in its entirety, just to guarantee it doesn’t disappear. But the 5 minute limit should contain most abuses.

So if no one viewed it, then it does not matter. Sounds about right to me. That is a nice feature within the feature.

Thank you for the clarification, I did not pick up on that in the test.

I think we are pretty safe with the 5 minute window and it should reduce the obvious coding problems by a good amount. I know users like me, will still let spelling and grammar errors slip through, but hopefully the bad coding will largely diminish.


OK, An Arky is a not a doo-doo head.

So what does edit this look like?

test, test

The heck kind of reason is that?

A fundamental reason.

No shit, we can edit? I’ll try chopping a word out of the following sentence:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

I’ll be a monkey’s uncle!

I, for one, refuse to use the new edit feature. I’ll just use my spill chick.

Can we edit?

Let’s find out.

Yes we can!

How about a second edit?

Now, there’s a five minute limit, right? But here’s a third edit. I could keep up the edit chain I think

I must have missed the function that pops in that last little italicized line. Time to see about that.

Editing post pops in this last line.

I’m not seeing the “reason for editing” data in preview, unless I’m blind.

Does she have a sister?