We did it! Our first iPhone app.

My friend and I have successfully written, compiled, simulated, and deployed our first test iPhone app. It is now living on my iPhone, which is registered as a development device.

The app is just a simple tutorial app, but the real triumph is finding our way through an unfamiliar toolchain and through the complex procedures Apple sets out for developers who want to test on actual iPhone devices… not to mention through an unfamiliar computer language. There is still much to learn, enormous oceans of stuff to learn, but we’ve successfully taken the first step.

Step 2: ?

Step 3: Profit!

What, no farting or flash light functionality? It’ll never sell. :smiley:

That’ll be a later version. :slight_smile:

Congratulations! So does this mean you get the 3.0 update before the rest of us non-development schmucks? You lucky bastard.

Congrats. My friend’s app has made him a very rich man. I hope yours does the same for you!