Warning: video is a little disturbing, but the kitty’s okay in the end.
I’d put this in the Pit to RO about exactly what I think should happen to the little waste of skin who started this, but I’d rather focus on the good kid.
Also, I just watched the video, and I thought the ending part where the reporter is trying to show him a picture of the cat on his laptop was a little, er, poorly thought out. “Come look at a picture of this kitten in my windowless van, little boy…”
Update: I am now very sad. It’s not easy to post links from my iPad when I’m in a hurry, but I was googling to see if anybody was doing anything nice for Jamarea and discovered that the poor little kitten has died.
I hear they’re contemplating charging him as an adult. And I hope they do. I’m sorry, but I have zero sympathy for this little punk. 12 is old enough to know that this is wrong. Get him psychiatric help if he needs it, but keep him away from society until he’s capable of living in it.
While I agree, the fact that it is a sign means you can’t dismiss it as a kid doing something stupid. Any kid that does this is messed up in some way, and needs help. Yes, even if that help just means severe consequences for his actions. He’s only 12, so we still have a chance of getting through to him.
Oh god no! That little thing looked like my Maggie. Poor, poor kitten. That little boy though was a hero.
You’ll get no argument from me here. People who are cruel to animals are assholes. People who torture them like this are extra-special assholes. And in this situation, the kid’s most likely a sociopath. There’s very little you can do if that’s the case.