We need some new leadership

It’ll be your choice of conservative “Friends of George” – Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, or Linda Tripp. :eek:

All the more reason to vote George out, I say. :wink:

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

Bush won. He won by 537 votes. Even when various newspapers across the country got court permission to recount the vote themselves, it turned out Bush won.

Will you get over it? Bush won, fair and square. You want to talk about the Democrats efforts to get the military vote thrown out?

I, like you, don’t want to talk about shit. Let’s take this thing out to the field together and put it down like a lame horse.

Keep in mind people. When he’s beat this time…He will be back in '08. So we will have the pleasure of saying no to him twice.

And who knows. Maybe three times!

You mean the ones sent after the election? With multiple votes on each ballot, and not properly witnessed? Those ones? Damn you crazy Democrats for trying to disenfranchise our servicemen!

I keep re-reading this and can’t stop laughing. Can I use this as a sig?


No, I will NOT “get over it.” He was APPOINTED by the Supreme Court, in an act that borders on treason. I will never get over it. It was a dark day in American history. Not because Bush got in, but because the Supreme Court PUT HIM THERE rather than the people.

We will never forget.

The Supreme Court had no business getting involved. Every American should be outraged by that.

If the situation had been reversed, and they had appointed Gore, the Republicans would be shouting about it every second of every day.

I’m voting for Kerry because of Britney Spears. If a bimbo like her likes Bush, I don’t want anything to do with him.

Oh, wait a minute, it’s actually because I don’t like Bush’s policies and his war. Sorry guy who hates these things.

But by the same logic, one could decide that if reasoning this stupid is used to vote for Bush, it must be smart not to vote for him. It just goes back and forth.