We need to inoculate this girl, STAT!

Star Wars and Star Trek (try “The Trouble with Tribbles”) are important cultural references.

Kevin Smith is great, but Clerks and Chasing Amy may be a bit too much for her (she probably wouldn’t understand much of them). Pulp Fiction would be a better choice. The Usual Suspects would show her the 90s version of evil.

TV – Simpsons (South Park would probably be too much also). Maybe an episode of “Sex in the City” – though you’d have to explain things.

Music – sorry, but Nirvana is a bit too much for someone who probably only knows extremely melodic tunes. The Beatles are a good start, as would be something like Sympathy for the Devil. Beck’s Loser is a nice choice.

I don’t think the Kevin Smith movies would be too much… especially if they came towards the end. I can’t think of any other movies that show how human relationships work better than his. Mallrats is out though… funny as hell, but no use as educational material. Plus, they’re loaded with pop culture references: Star Wars, John Hughes movies…
Dogma would be an interesting one to take her to just to get her reaction to it. But, like Mallrats, not as good as a training exercise.

As a warning, if you show her the south park movie before she is ready, her head will probably explode.

Kelli: blush Who am I? Well, I’ve got long dark hair, wear a backwards baseball cap and trench coat, don’t talk much, and my name is Kevin S.
Which is all coincidence, because I’m just a weird guy in Portland who is stuck ten years back in time.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

The fact that you can name the director…
Well,that is arousing beyond explanation!

I would bet $100 that I couldnt find one man in my hometown who would recognise a ‘silentbob’ reference.


Boink her and be done with it.

I thought knowing Kevin Smith was the director of those movies is common knowledge.

Anyone ever hear the broadcasts when he was on Howard Stern? Hilarious.

Shock Therapy is the only cure for her condition.
*Beavis & Butthead

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Monty Python


Save The Endangered Jackalope! Send Cash Now! If You Do This, I Will Use The Cash To Save Any Jackalope That I Happen To Find! Send Cash Now! Before It’s Too Late! My Bills, I Mean The Jackalope’s Bills Are Due The 15th Of The Month!
This has been a message from the Illuminated Committee To Save The Jackalope. Fnord.

unfortunately, very few people in this thread are actually putting thought into their suggestions…seems that most people are either trying to push their own tastes or try to show off by mentioning cult-classics…I mean, a clockwork orange? I liked the book and movie…but that’s a bit much even for people who grew up with pop-culture. And also if she’s extremeley catholic she’ll probably be offended by dogma… I know it’s not supposed to be taken seriously, I read the intro too, but sometimes it’s still too much.

I don’t really have any specific suggestions, except maybe the beatles thing as a starting place would be good… take her through the evolution of rock and roll and whatnot…and if anybody else suggests some decrepid deathrock band I will bite your kneecaps off…which brings a suggestion to mind: Monty Python! lots of monty python!


The only thing a nonconformist hates more than a conformist is another nonconformist who does not conform to the prevailing standards of nonconformity.

oops…missed the monty python suggestion above, so just take my suggestion as a second to that.

The only thing a nonconformist hates more than a conformist is another nonconformist who does not conform to the prevailing standards of nonconformity.

Y’know, I’m finding lots of instructions to ‘get romantic’ with her. I may not have mentioned it, but truly I am not attracted to this girl. It is mere human interest. I have stupid, uninformed, friends who aren’t really ‘with it’, but this is a case unto itself. Someone who doesn’t know the world around them. It’s pure human interest.


We are the children of the Eighties. We are not the first “lost generation” nor today’s lost generation; in fact, we think we know just where we stand - or are discovering it as we speak.

yes yes yes that’s all very good…but can’t you just overcome your selfish repulsion to her and stick it in?? This is a girl’s future we’re talking about here!

ok well not really I just am tired and at least right now that seemed like a funny thing to say

The only thing a nonconformist hates more than a conformist is another nonconformist who does not conform to the prevailing standards of nonconformity.

Of course I’m pushing my personal tastes… my way is the best.

In my humble opinion of course. I’m not qualified to suggest what hip hop she should listen to. I’m not qualified to suggest Titanic… I never saw it. But, I’ve seen the Kevin Smith movies at least 10 times each, and I feel that they would be appropriate. In fact, my favorite of them (Mallrats) was the one I specifically said not to use.

I did question A Clockwork Orange, but I don’t think it, or any other, was suggested just to seem hoity toity. All of the suggestions were all fairly mainstream indepentdant.

I wasnt quite sure what the intended result was. Teach her about the real world? The real world sucks… MTV, Gap, Mass Media… so my thought is to save her from the real world by introducing her to things that you can’t learn about by watching MTV.

Well, aside from those Jay and Bob spots. Those were hilarious. Noonch.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

I didnt see Titanic either!

I mentioned Clockwork and Deliverance, not just for thier wrth as films, but for the references to them in pop culture Simpsons etc.

I made shitboy watch them, and suddenly he went “OH HEY! I saw that on the Simpsons…”

Poet…please dont say you purposely shunned the movie because its stupid to romanticise a real tragic event, adn that you refuse to buy into the hype…I couldnt bear it if you were any more wonderful!

Since she seems to be a cultural tabla rasa, why not go nuts and really mess with her head?

Music–Captain Beefheart, Frank Zappa, ABBA
Movies–Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Pokemon: The First Movie
TV–Twin Peaks, Alive from Off-Center, Teletubbies
Books–Crying of Lot 49, Gravity’s Rainbow, Chicken Soup for the Golfer’s Soul

Then sit back and watch her head blow up…

If your friend continues in her present path, she won’t have an unwanted pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease, and she won’t be taken advantage of by someone who just wants to use her for sex. No one else’s life or happiness will be risked by her decisions. Sounds to me like she’s doing just fine.
