We need to make emergency plans for the prospect of a Palin presidency.

I can’t decide whether you would be useful to have around, or whether you should immediately have a mucadine wine bottle accident.

I’m going to go with: Hide the wife and grease the cats ass. IT’S PARTY TIME!

Bet that backstraps good eatin’

adds Omegaman to “wine bottle accident” list.

I think it would be about time to start seriously working towards bringing back the Bear Flag Republic.

I’ll bring guns and pie.

Defect to Canada.

Cheap? No way bud. Minimum wage will be first to go.
BTW, the gruel is a buck two eighty per, extra fer moose gristle.

Dude, we’re going to Brigadoon on vacation, not to form a resistance. Despite the wisecrack about purges, President Palin isn’t going to be a despot; she’s just going to be insanely incompetent.

Sure, you’ll be safely on vacation while they herd folks into the “Liberal Labor Camps”.

Useful. I also know how to brew mead, beer, and various other intoxicating beverages, and I can fabricate pretty much anything given enough time to tool ratio to work with with.

My partner, my mother, and myself have joked about Canada. My partner’s mother (a devout Palin supporter) has (only kinda jokingly) pledged to move to Mexico if Obama wins.

She doesn’t want any of those filthy Mexicans hoping north across the border, but she doesn’t seem to mind the idea of heading south.

Yeah, but what happens if I pass out while you’re hungry?

Like I’m not a selfish bastard 99.9993453% of the time. As long as Kimmy and my nieces are safe, I’m staying in Brigadoon.

Okay, I’ll come back to save Natalie Portman if it comes down to it, but I’ll have to sacrifice one of you guys to keep my karma in balance.

Karma? Skald the Rhymer, Dastardly Bastard as Protagonist, Destroyer of Worlds, concerned with Karma? That’s like…like Mrs. Plant being concerned with a budget. No way in hell. It ain’t gonna happen.

I can bake bread and could probably help Acid Lamp make a good wine sauce to use when we roast you on a spit. Tell me, how athletic are you? I’m sure I could scrounge up some good herbs to rub on ya.

I can also sew and I recently learned how to knit, so maybe I could make fezzes and scarves and fingerless gloves for everyone. We’d all be crazy-sexy cannibal hobos.

M’Lord Skald, I’d like to apologize for the Karma thing, and respectfully suggest we, in the method of the Lord High Executioner of Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado, make a Little List.

I am stealing that description of me and have no intention of giving you even a sliver of credit. That evil enough for you?

Sorry if I’m a day late and a dollar short here, I can’t check every Palin thread, but is this a good time to point out an anagram that a reader posted to Private Eye magazine this week:

“Vice-President Sarah Palin” = Is Perhaps Devil Incarnate :eek:

:: texts my relative down in Tartarus, waits for response ::

No worries. My uncle Luci assures me that Governor Palin is neither one of his many forms nor the anti-Christ. He further mentions that we’ll all find out the true identify of the latter later this year.