Web providers people like (that don't spam)

Every so often I notice that email to my redirect address (ie: beware@dougsdomain.com, actual domain withheld to safeguard my identity) doesn’t make it through. A couple years ago I had a near-total email outage and found my web (and redirect) provider was on a lot of spammer lists and thus a lot of ISPs wouldn’t talk to it.

Anyway, my contract’s about up with said provider, and I thought I’d solicit Doper recommendations of web hosting outfits that offer good value and don’t depend on spam for so much of their revenue. TIA.

How much space and bandwidth do you need? And how many POP3 addresses would you like?

Well, my site’s small currently, but I want to make it a lot bigger, with downloads and such available. So maybe 500MB? How about five addresses?

OK, here’s 400MB of space, 20GB bandwidth, 10 POP3 mailboxes, and a lot more, for under $10 per month. And if you happen to go over, they will simply charge you slightly more each month. Full details on the site.


It’s the service I’ve been using for years. Highly recommended. No spam and very easy to work with. The monthly fee includes your domain name registration, as well!

FULL DISCLOSURE: I would ask that if you sign up, you use that link. They offer referral credits, and I’ve given you a link that refers to a non-profit organization site I manage. If you sign up on that link, the organization will receive $10 credit toward webhosting. (Mods, I hope this is ok - if not, here is the main site link. I personally will make or save no money if the first link is used.)

I recommend DreamHost. The cheapest plan is listed below:

I’ve been using them for years, and their service is great.

As with Rico, if you do register with them, please use this url.

I second the recommendation for Dreamhost. I’ve been using them for over a year, with absolutely zero difficulty whatsoever. I really like their service.

You can also research the IP addresses associated with any hosts you consider by using some of these anti-spam resources:

http://www.dnsstuff.com/ (use the SPAM database lookup)

I use these pretty regularly to check my own hosting company’s (the one I own) IP addresses.

Thanks all - I’ll look into them and see what’s what.

My current outfit offers yearly rates rather than monthly; I’m spending about half what I would be with the monthly basic plans linked above. Is this pretty much a you-get-what-you-pay-for kind of thing, ie: if you want better service, plunk down for a monthly plan?

Not at all, Doug. It just sounds like you’ve got a crappy host.

The outfit I linked to offers yearly rates, but you’re not locked into them at all. If you wish to quit at any time they will refigure what you’ve used on a monthly basis, then refund the difference. No contracts, no “locked in,” you don’t like them, you’re not stuck.

And like I said, the service is top rate no matter what plan you’re on.