Web site selling human meat: urban legend or reality?

A few days ago I was talking to someone, who claimed that some time ago he had seen a website selling human meat, with credit-card ordering and everything. He claimed that this was in some obscure jurisdiction where selling human meat was legal.

Was this ever true? It smells a bit urban-legend-ish (among other things) but the world is a big place; it’s odd enough to possibly be true.

I’m not sure whether I want to see a link or not… :stuck_out_tongue:


Judge for youself.
Of course its true… why wouldnt it be true?


Oh shit… thats http://www.manbeef.com I wouldnt click on the other one… I havent yet. sorry. probably porn

snopes on the subject.

Hmm, okay… that’s probably what he was talking about. I just looked at the Snopes, not the original site.

I notice however that the Snopes deals exclusively with the issue of human meat originating in or destined for the USA. Is it possible that in some obscure hellhole elsewhere in the world, far from the jurisdiction of the USA, human meat is legal? (It’s not cannibalism if you feed it to your dog…)

I can’t believe I just wrote that… :eek: