Websites you have problems understnading/explaining. but which are pretty damn funny.

This is the greatest site in the world. ya’ll need ta reprezent!!!
Icy Hot Stuntaz

Lizard, thanks for posting this site. It is hilarious! I can’t wait to read some of the others. This really made my day. I needed a laugh!

I’m betting this is probably the work of a very funny teenager. It’s amazing how many people just don’t get it.

Actually, IDBB, flickerwolf, and greenphan, ZomboCom does eventually end up in a page with links to a website called 15footstick – you just have to wait an extremely long time. As a joke, it’s pretty funny. As a marketing tool, I can’t imagine that very many people wait through the whole ZomboCom intro in order to get to the main page and order their products. (Click on the “Order the Zombo Tees” link). Or you can just go to if you don’t want to wait through the entire intro.

We now return to ‘Battling Seizure Robots’!
A strange thing about that…here in Reno, we have a local horror movie host named Zomboo, but it’s pronounced “Zom-bow”. I always wondered why he didn’t just spell it “Zombo”, but now I realize that if was already taken, maybe he decided on Zomboo to get Huh. Anyway…

Keeps me laughing for hours. Someone puts some serious effort into this. (PS don’t mess up “org” with “com” or you’ll be in for a nasty surprise which you might have trouble explaining to your boss)

I heard an interview with the author of on NPR. I don’t recall if it was on All Things Considered or On The Media. He’s a college student, and a writer. He said that he spends time getting “into character” before he writes. I thought that was great. :slight_smile:

Quick story - My Mom got her first computer with dial-up internet access a few years ago. I was visiting, and she asked me to show her how to find things on-line. I asked her what she wanted to see, and she said, “How about the White House?” Silly me typed in whitehouse with the .com suffix.

Good thing my Mom has a sense of humour!

And my contribution to this thread:

Furniture Porn is very funny. I recall seeing one for green plastic army soliders, too, somewhere.

The creator of Icy Hot Stuntaz is (or was) a regular on another board I post on, although less so now. - almost impossible to explain this and why it is so funny to those who have not experienced it.

I’m one of 'em! Glad to see the website up an running.

This one almost gottme.

Opened home page and then immediately went to “Can Star Trek Help Us Understand Muslims?” Something for soc.religion.islam I thought after the first paragraph. Was cutting and pasting and then reading down to “Arabs drink wine made from blood” when the dim bulb started to glow. Good thing I back pedaled to home page and scrolled down to the “What would Jesus do thong” before hitting that dangerous <SEND> button.

This is one of my favorites, along with

Who is seanbaby?
Why is seanbaby?

The world may never know.

But i do know that he is not only good looking, but funny as hell.

Don’t stop believin’!

Oh man, the Don’t stop believin’ link is fabulous! After all…

Heaven’s just a funky moose!

The Conversatron.
And it’s cousins:
True Meaning of Life
The Knowledge Filter
Geeks in the Big Yellow House
The Conversawang
Conspiratron 2003
The Moral Minority
The Hateatron
The Jerk Squad

I’m going to hazard a guess and say that TV Casualty posted a link to that infamous pic of the guy with the gaping butthole. I don’t think I’m allowed to say any more about it here. If you haven’t seen it, trust me, you don’t want to.

I had a hard time understanding what all the fuss was aboutBubb Rubb until I saw this site.

Nuts, apparently doesn’t work anymore.

This one’s goin’ out to the Main Man . . .