Not only that, but he refers to him as his friend:
He then copied and pasted the rest of the article.
Not only that, but he refers to him as his friend:
He then copied and pasted the rest of the article.
Okay, time to start a game of “Which Doper is Al?”
Hmmm… which doper is Al… maybe this explains why “Bermuda” Shwartz returns my emails and actually remembers who I am each time.
I’d say whomever has the funniest, wittiest user name is probably Al.
Hi Al!
Does that make Al guilty of plagiarism?
If so, I don’t care.
That’s too cool. Nice find, Erinpuff!
I have never seen Al and Cecil in the same room. Has anyone ever seen them in the same room?
No, no - it’s not me.
aaaand nobody thought it was.
I’m Weird Al!
…aaaand nobody thought it was. :rolleyes:
I’m Weird Al, and so’s my sister!
Susan (Al)
Hmmm. Or Michael and Janet Jackson and Al and Cecil?
BTW, I’m Spartacus, dammit.
Earlier that day …
Pontius Pilate: Fwee Weiwd Al!
Crowd: Ha hahahaha!!!
PS: This so proves I ain’t Al.
Funny. I don’t see Spartacus anywhere.
No!! I’m Spartacus…y’all
You may be weird, and you may be Al, but…
Hi OpAl !
You can call me Weird Al.
I am Al Spartacus, plumber & Duncan yo-yo demonstrator.