Weird bathroom phobias?

I never understood wiping while sitting.

So you wipe toward the front?!

You get your hand closer to the the toilet?!


I probably sounded more insensitive than I really am. I’m truly sorry that something your parents did or said when you were a toddler has put this burden on you for the rest of your life.

From a public mental health perspective I’m all for getting these phobias out in the open and exposing them as irrational phobias and not fact-based legitimate concerns so fewer parents will teach their kids to be handicapped by them. It might be too late for you, but there’s always hope for the future.

My only bathroom phobia is bringing anything food related into a public bathroom. I won’t do it. I see people all the time rinsing out their coffee mugs in the sink and such, but I find that disgusting.

Which is fine, because no one does that. Instead one lifts one cheek off the seat and reaches behind them, just as you people who stand seem to. The act of lifting the cheek also spreads them both apart, which is why we can’t understand why you’d stand.

No, why would you do that? You reach around behind you and wipe, you know, up and out.

I work at a place where there are only 2 other females. This makes it easy for me to make sure neither of them will be in the bathroom at the same time I am. I also doubt the cleanliness of all public bathrooms…I always hover.

(Actually, I have a bidet attachment on my toilet, so I don’t actually wipe, I just blot dry. But I reach behind to do it, not between my legs. :))

I must admit that I have a semi-homicidal hatred for people who are afraid of sitting on the toilet seat, especially the hovering women. Even if you wipe up afterward, you’re still peeing on the seat or floor more often than not, which is really inconsiderate to every other person who has to use the bathroom, especially the cleaning staff. Just sit on the fucking seat and quit being a ninny.
That said, I have a difficult time starting urine flow if there are people chatting in the same room, but it doesn’t completely prevent me from using the bathroom when others are present. I don’t, however, like to shit while someone is in the same stall-room with me; it’s awkward at best.

Sometimes … everybody poops. No matter how shy your bowels sometimes you just can’t fight them. Even if all that happens is some gas expulsion there are just going to be times when you have no choice in the matter and when the urgent need strikes it’s best to obey the bowels lest you experience even greater embarrassment than stinking up a bathroom. Unfortunately, we can’t all be bathroom silent but deadly bathroom Ninjas.

Have you ever seen a public mens’ room? Sure, at a nice restaurant or office building they’re fine, and kept clean. In places I tend to use them - gas stations, or my university, for instance - I’m not touching that toilet.

:D:D:D I think I was sort of afraid of her! The sounds she was making in that bathroom stall didn’t sound human!

So, you’re chiding people for using a restroom as a restroom? You expect people to hold their bowels through an 8-hour workday so you don’t have to smell the results of using a restroom for what it was built for??

My bathroom at work has two urinals and one stall. I very often find smudges on the toilet seat, smudges I assume are from fecal matter. My guess is someone hits the seat with soiled toilet paper while throwing it in the bowl(?).

Just this week I twice found the seat covered in dried pee.

I am so sick of having to spray the damn thing down with Lysol and wipe it dry, only then to put down a toilet paper barrier for my ass.

So I guess I can agree with you a bit on this.

I used to keep a +/- running total of if the men’s washroom was closer to the public area than the women’s. e.g. this bar’s men’s washroom is closer, then +1 to my running total.

I think after a year the men’s were losing by 10 or so…

Ahhhhhhh, thank you! I was picturing one of those disposable ones and I just couldn’t see how that made any sense at all!

Don’t wash your hands with them either!

I don’t think hovering women are much of a problem in men’s rooms. :smiley:

I didn’t think so either, but nashiitashii was quoting me when she wrote that… :dubious: :slight_smile:

No real phobias here, but I had silent bathrooms. For some reason, I’d like a little background noise so I don’t have to listen to the grunts and splashes. Where I work, the office is infuriatingly noisy and distracting. Yet they manage to have a tomb-like bathroom. I swear, it’s so quiet you can hear a sphincter stretch.

I dont know why, but I just try to avoid the first stalls in public bathrooms.

For a very long time in my life, I would resolutely refuse to use a public toilet for my bowel movements, a practice that caused me extreme distress on days the cafeteria at school served chili.

After carefully examining the illogic of this stance, I can now (reluctantly) eliminate in a public restroom.

BTW, my definition of “public restroom” is one which anyone can use: restaurants, gas stations, and (g-d forbid!) rest stops. The restrooms where i work, or in motels/hotels is NOT public. How’s that for illogic?