In the past couple of says, I get a sensation in the heel of my right foot. It feels like the vibration you would feel if a large machine were running somewhere in a building and you could feel it in the floor. This is highly concentrated in the heel and arch and it comes and goes randomly and lasts for a very short period of time - a half second at the most. It doesn’t hurt, it’s just annoying. I haven’t injured myself in any way recently and there’s no numbness or discolorization of any kind.
If I hold my foot, I can’t feel the sensation on the surface, but continue to feel inside the foot.
Yep, you’ve almost certainly strained or injured your lower back somehow. If it doesn’t feel bad down there, I’d just take some mild anti-inflammatories for a few days, such Voltaren. If it doesn’t clear up see a doctor (not a physio or chiro, just yet!).
I had the exact same symptoms in my right foot for years. Just a slight twinge in my heel and arch for a very brief time, no longer than a couple of seconds, then it would go away.
I now have Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot. Talk about a pain (litterally and figuratively). I have to wear custom made insoles that provide the support my arch needs. I also have a regiment of streaching excercises that I do. Combined, they help alleviate most of the swelling and pain, but there are days when my right foot just doesn’t want to cooperate and the pain and discomfort is just not relieved by the insoles.
I have had plantar fasciitis for 4 years. At times, I couldn’t walk to the mail box and back. Nothing helped. At least, not until I found these ugly things I’ve had them for 5 months and my pain is now infrequent to rare. I just bought my second pair; sandals, for dress, you know.
As I mentioned, there is zero pain and discomfort. I Googled the condition to see what may be a cause. I’m not on my feet a lot at work and I don’t run. I could lose a few pounds, though.
I may try some stretching and icing and see what happens.
How old are you? I was 19 when I first noticed the symptoms you describe. I had them until I was 32 and then… OMG, the pain the swelling!
I’m also in the same boat as you… I’m not on my feet alot at work. I don’t run, and I can stand to lose about 10 lbs. I still recommend seeing a podiatrist to see about what could be happening now and also to prevent it from turning into something worse. Believe me. You don’t want your feet to go though what mine have been going through, I can guarantee that.
Last November, I smashed the living daylights out of my right shin (about midway down). There was intense pain and swelling for 2-3 months of the leg and foot and some residual swelling in the foot for several more weeks after that. I wonder if this could be related?