Okay, so I have this… problem. Actually, it’s not so much of a problem as an oddity. On the inside of my middle finger on my left hand, right where the finger joins the hand, there’s a strange, hard lump under the skin. It feels kinda like bone, or perhaps a particularly sturdy cyst, or something. From the feel of it, it’s only a few millimeters across. It doesn’t really hurt, per se, unless I push on it really hard, which causes a very faint and dull soreness.
It popped up some time ago, and I pretty much ignored it. Then it went away for - gosh, must’ve been a year or two. Now it’s back.
Should I be concerned at all? Should I bother seeing a doctor about it? Is this in any way normal? Nobody I know has any clue what it is. I’m not frightened of doctors, but I can think of better ways to while away my time, and I’d rather not miss the work.
Any thoughts?