Weird gimmick poster ideas you've had?

What are some weird gimmick ideas you’ve had for the SDMB? I always liked one I saw on Something Awful. Worst Mod Ever. Basically, a completely and totally incompetent and moronic moderator. He’d do stuff like try to ban people, but change their usergroup to “moderator”, or try to close a thread by changing the title and text to “Closed” and nothing else, or try to ban someone by changing their username to “Banned”, or ban Cecil Adams or Ed Zotti. He’d also have a registration date like “May 2009”, like he’s so stupid he’s from the future.

That’s my weird idea.
Note: I am not advocating that someone actually make this gimmick, or any others mentioned here, though mine would have to be at least a mod for it to work, and I doubt any of the mods here are going to make such a gimmick.

Note #2: If you’re a comedy genius who wants to say "We already have the worst mod ever! It’s [whoever the moron hates], please don’t bother replying.

A poster who pretends that he’s Norwegian, but he’s clearly not, knowing nothing about his supposed home country. He categorically denies every lie even when he’s cornered, even after accidentally breaking character in a thread about wrestling. He uses a lot of 'ø’s in his posts and ends each post with the words: ‘Hail King Bjørnar!’

He starts threads like:

‘‘Whø’s Cecil Adøms?’’
‘‘Deliciøus Lutefisk Recepies Frøm My Høme Cøuntry’’

Unfortunately, most gimmix end up as won uv too things.

Eether knot phunnie, oar annoying.

Misuse :cool:f smilies might be funny f:(r a bit.

Well, the practice of graping posts, to me, was quite hilarious. Unfortunately other posters and moderators did not share in the random level of humor the Grapist posessed.

Violets is not the answer.

Not even a groan? I’m not very good at this, am I?



I thought it’d be sort of neat if we had an award ceremony once a year, the catgoriese being things like the Year’s Best Pit Rant, Most Interesting Newbie, Best Game, Best TMI Thread, Most Emotionally Stirring Thread, stuff like that. The awards would be called Cecils, and once you recieved one, you could have a little Cecil Icon in your sig or on your profile page. That’s all I’ve got.

…and maybe a “Best Misspelling of the Word 'Categories”’ Award. Catgoriese…Looks like a name for a French Social Group…

We have run awards in the past. I’ve done it twice in correlation to the Teeming Millions Homepage. Last time it got kinda ugly. That was many years ago. Here are the results if anyone is interested.

How cool. Thanks for the link, Opal!