Weird little Japanese game (warning: ADDICTIVE)

Am cannot stop playing Moebius Syndrome even though I can’t score more than 80 points. I hope you’re happy «Ðëëp¤F®ïêd»™.

I can only get to 420 - which in my state last nite, when I started playing this game, was only too appropriate. lol! I have yet to the monkey across! little monkey rat bastard!

(Hmm…no one has used any of the expected sarcasm about the monkey, e.g., spank the monkey, monkey see/monkey do, shock the monkey, pet my monkey, monkey business, monkey around, cheeky monkey (HI CHEEKY!), etc.)

w00t!!! I just scored a 580!!! And got the little bugger across to his coconut tree, too.

You people are absoutely evil for posting these games… The semester is about to start and now I know what I’ll be doing instead of writing papers!

I got the monkey across, but the scores are pathetically low!

Damn you! I’m stuck on this game now!!

I only get around 400 when I get him across… the most I hit was 540 and he didn’t get across.

Speaking of monkeys, can anyone figure this one out?

What exactly is the point of the piece with two squares of land not touching each other?? The monkey evidently cannot leap from one to the other, so its essentially a throwaway piece. . . and one which I get at least twice a game. I think this whole game is basically luck, I sure don’t see much strategy involved. If you aren’t given the proper pieces there is nothing you can do about it - and no way to get said monkey across the shore.

Speaking of monkeys, why do I feel like I am being made one by this exercise in futility?

I got the little guy his coconut and all I got was 480 points.

What is the scoring system?

Drag the glove (it shows up as a thick white line) away from the monkey and then very quickly towards the monkey, “spanking” it, if you will. The faster you “spank” it, the more points (mph) you get.

I got #19 on that 4th animal maze game!

I can’t do any of the other animal road games. I don’t have the patience. Also, I don’t think that the disconnected pieces are useless, I think they CAN fit with other pieces, but you have to be lucky enough to get those pieces as well.

Its a load of crap

Quote by Buckleberry Ferry - “Drag the glove (it shows up as a thick white line) away from the monkey and then very quickly towards the monkey, “spanking” it, if you will. The faster you “spank” it, the more points (mph) you get.”

THAT is some funny s(#$!! OMG I’M ROFLMAO!!

Thanks BF! :wink:


Sorry guys I think I posted wrong

Welcome to the SDMB, Captain Sinister!

I’ve gotten him across once. Once!! And my highest score so far is 480. I hate this addictive game.

I got him accross with a piece to spare, but only got 420. Dam this game.Dam its eyes!

(much, much later)
HaHA!! 600points!

You only get the points when the monkey actually crosses, eh? THe points just reflect the difficulty of the pieces – i.e. those useless colon shaped ones.