I just got a message that “carton photoactinic revvocation fingered”. No dodgy links, no offers to enlarge body parts I don’t have. Just “carton photoactinic revvocation fingered”.
Oh, and the subject line is “pappus semesttrial targeted knavery”.
It’s possible that I misunderstood, and that I’ve actually received a critical warning from the aliens. Or some goofy newb in the CIA accidentally fowarded me the exact coordinates of Bin Laden’s hideout. Or possibly the internet demons have possesed my inbox, which is now speaking in tongues.
I’ve gotten these as well. The content is always good for a laugh, but I have no idea what the deeper meaning behind them might be, nor what purpose they might serve.
More interesting to me are the messages I get for things like community CPR classes in Walton County, Florida and reminders about my appointment for Sports Rehab Therapy in Texas. I can only assume the email daemons are slacking off. Unless some data entry monkey just typed in the wrong address.
Step 1: Send out a lot of spam messages. Each one with a different combo of random words.
Step 2: Search for the words appearing on message boards.
Step 3: Profit! (I.e., you sell the known good email address.)
Alright- I debated doing this months ago and the other mods didn’t seem to mind, so I’ll share a link to this. WARNING: the entire text and especially the MS Paint links are all EXTREMELY NSFW. Actually they’re outright pornographic.
The post is also really long, but that’s probably beside the point. I’ve banned a lot of spammers here and this is by far the weirdest, and I figured people might get a kick out of how bizarre it is.