Weird things that make you happy

New socks.

I love them. The way they feel thick all over your feet, not worn down anywhere by wearing. I imagine my toes are warmer just by wearing them.

Here’s one I could put in either thread, I’m not sure if it makes me happy or sad.

I really like the sight of all the trucks lined up at rest areas at night with the drivers sleeping. I like traveling at night anyway, it’s so quiet and nobody feels pressured to talk, the silences aren’t awkward, no one can see you, and the inside of the car is all green from the clock numbers.

And when we pass rest areas, I always look out the window at all the trucks lined up. I don’t know why I like the sight, there’s just something neat about it, but it’s a little sad too because I think of them all being alone hundreds and hundreds of miles from home.

Looking up at the stars and playing “Find the Constellations.”


Boomerang-style ashtrays and candy dishes from the 1950s.

Golden retrievers.

Geese flying in a V.

Any movie with Walter Pidgeon in it.

Vintage Hawaiian and bowling shirts.

Any music by Sergei Prokofiev, and almost any music by Igor Stravinsky. Even the stuff that they meant to be sad.

My rainbow Winddeva.

My Star Trek watch that plays the TOS theme song with the ship going around.

You are so weird. Hey, I guess that makes me happy.

Driving makes me happy. The way the tires sound on the road, and the way the scenery changes but the highway stays the same, and the way you get slightly pressed into your seat by centrifugal force when you go around curves, and the smell of gasoline at refueling stops - I love it all.

Shiny things make me happy. I smile at the reflections in spoons.

Glimpses of the past make me very happy. Finding an old metal-sided diner downtown, or a fading sign painted on an old brick building to advertise another brick building long gone, or a postcard for a business that lists the phone number as SI-8 3200. Old-fashioned neon signs make me laugh in delight, because they’re both old AND shiny.

Reddy Kilowatt makes me happy, too. As do penguins.

I like coupons. I clip coupons, organize coupons, and use coupons. Every so often, the Sunday ad for my favorite market includes six “triple coupon coupons” You present the tcc along with a coupon worth up to 99 cents, and they triple the face value of the coupon. Sometimes, this allows me to get a product for free. True ecstasy.

I am so happy that you are happy that I am weird and that it makes you happy.
I am easily amused and quite easily confused.

Get it? :wink:

Driving around in my Neon with the windows rolled ALL the way down blasting my “Music From the Park” Disney CD and seeing a little kid’s face light up as I belt out (extremely loud and off key)“Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah”.


The smell of new vinyl - like an inflatable pool.

Smells like summer.

We call it “New Barbie” smell.

I want to show The Traveling Sheep around Jefferson City, Missouri. I could take his picture in front of the capitol building, and I might even make it to St. Louis and take him to the arch.

Chillin’ with The Traveling Sheep. That would be fun!

I must admit I have a fondness for wearing new underwear for the first time. A sort of “I’m feeling special, and no one knows why!” feeling.

Having someone play with my hair. Sooooo nice.

Having nice, smooth legs after I shave them.


newly shave legs and clean fresh sheets on the bed!!

The happiest way to fall asleep!

I like the smell of brand new thong flip flop shoes. I have loved this smell since I can remember.

The smell of suntan lotion before sunscreens took over and the good-cocoa nut smell was so nummy.

A freshly tilled garden.

**Francesca’s Sheep ** make me smile.

The arrival of mail into my real life snail mail box. I cannot contain my excitement daily, even though it is ninty percent bills and junk.

The feeling of a good song couring through my veins, filling my soul.

oh the strangest things make me smile like nothing else:

-‘fingertips’ by they might be giants
-‘ma nah, ma nah’ the muppet show
-newsies the movie
-‘suddenly seymour’ from little shop of horrors
-the bicycle song by queen
-really cheesy jokes
-90-degree thunderstorms…torrential rain when it’s warm enough to go out and dance and get completely soaked and never care
-snow falling in manhattan
-listening to dashboard confessional pumping on my headphones as i walk through the city at night
-ben folds’ elton john impression
-jack handey
-homer simpson
-NameBright - Coming Soon
-when you watch a movie on cable tv and they dub over the curses with ‘safer’ words and it’s so unbelievably obvious that it’s NOT what they were saying…the folly of it all just brings a smile to my face like nothing else

there are probably more but thats a bunch that came to mind…:slight_smile:

Since the small sheep are making people smile, here are a few more pictures of them taken with my web cam:

The gang pose on a log

The gang has a meeting

Phillip and Belinda share a moment

They’re great aren’t they? And I bet you think they all look alike, don’t you? Once you get used to them you can tell them apart very easily. For example, Otto has a very wonky face. You couldn’t miss him. And Guillome (a French small sheep who is not pictured since he is a recent addition to the gang) has one ear which is much smaller than the other. He’s terribly French and says “Zut alors!” a lot. Phillip is a little grubbier than the rest of the sheep due to being the oldest and because of a misguided attempt at giving him a bath, which simply spread the grubbyness around a bit. Can you tell I love my small sheep?

Wokingham, where the the women are lonely and the sheep are nervous about photographers

BTW, I’m saving all those sheep pics.

Gonna e-mail 'em to friends asking about my taste in wimmins

-Any music video with good choreography.
-Doodling mindlessly for hours.
-Singing/screaming along to a song blastingly loud on my stereo, depending on the genre of music. (only done when the neighbors aren’t home!)
-my kitty lying on my bare stomach at night.
-being warm in a cold room. (at night, in bed)
-someone to snuggle with.

Waking up on a lazy Sunday morning with my SO on one side of me and my two cats curled up by feet, not having to get up and do anything. I’ve actually never done this since SO and I are long-distance and have never gotten the chance to be lazy and lay in bed with the cats on a Sunday morning, but I look forward to the day it happens.

And I just get this overwhelming joy when my little thirteen-year-old cousin, who should consider herself too old for public displays of affection, will fling herself into my arms when she sees me and give me a huge hug. She’s my girl.
