Weird websites

Wait for the whole thing to load for the full effect…music loads last.

The freakiest of the freaks here. The most stomach turning of the gross. Interesting, frightning, frequently updated.

Pulp Simpsons

Very strange.

Gasoline: As an accompaniement to cereal it made a refreshing change. Glen Baxter

you want to run screaming from the room?

just click on this

I dare you

“I’m just too much for human existence – I should be animated.”
–Wayne Knight

The World’s Worst World Wide Web Page ( 5WP ) is at: .

Now if only I could find the surrealism homepage, or that site with instructions on sight-reading barcodes. . .

“Oh we were brought up on the Space-Race, now they expect us to clean toilets. When you have seen how big the world is how can you make do with this?”
Pulp, “Glory Days”

Oh my, that was an aweful website, Fool. My eyes hurt from looking at it, almost as much as the blinking crap that was posted earlier. I can’t help but think that some idiot will actually give that child their credit card number. YIKES!


Gasoline: As an accompaniement to cereal it made a refreshing change. Glen Baxter

Oh my god. Let me just say that I have been kind of tense the las thour or so because some guy in the lab is trying to make me paranoid by coming up behind me and grabbing my head at random intervals. Then, I clicked on the jodi site. I think I did have a seizure! :slight_smile:


Why sex is better than religion: There are laws against forcing sex on minors who can’t think for themselves.


Well, you successfully toasted most of my Friday night with your useless site post.

I guess I should return the favor with the Weird Places on the Web site.

Happy frittering!

Hmmm…screwed that one up pretty well. Unca Brewski’s link is posted above; let me just try to resurrect my own.

Try this: Weird Places on the Net.

And now for where I was really trying to send you:[/url}

If I scream in cyberspace, no one will hear it, right?

And now for where I was really trying to send you:

Just for fun, I tried these:

Make of them what you will!

Afraid to fly? Hey, I’ve been there!

By the way, if you went to and didn’t see anything, don’t fret.

You see, if you view the source, you can see that all the guy does it count the number of people who have visited that site.

This is a good time waster. Pretty funny, too.


Here are some good links.
Stupid Net Tricks

Well, lets try that again, shall we?


And the other one (a page of links) that I tried to post:

Stupid Net Tricks

Stupid Net Tricks


I hope that works.

Whip out your credit cards, folks, 'cause you’re going to need them!

I’m partial to the World’s Best Bubblewrap Homepage myself. Pamela Anderson likes it too.

O p a l C a t

Ordered myself one of them bumper dumpers. Figured ot might come in handy somewhere down the line in the “Guy Stuff” thread…


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)