
In this thread, it says that iampunha was the last to reply, but Montfort was. Hmmm…

Then someone else had to go and post. Nevermind.

Yesterday I saw a thread that was resurrected from last year that predated the conversion to vB.

Anyway, it listed the OP on the index as one person, but the OP in the thread was really by someone else. I wish I remember which thread it was…

(Look, I’m the last poster to this one and the Anniz is drunk one, too!)

There’s one just above on the list here
"Trouble with signature blank lines " where one person is listed as starting it, but another is really the first one posting. And it certainly isn’t a year old.

Another one is I’m sorry, Sir, but you can’t leave, over in General Questions. There’s folks replying to things the board says were posted a day later.

Personally, I think it’s just the first step in Jelsoft’s evil attempt to take over the world.

Someone at my work had set ours to go off daylight savings a month early. Some things had the server’s time and some had the user’s time, and it made a mess. I never knew the details, but we all had to get off and they spent a couple hours reloading or something.

If you look at who started this thread, it will say Silver_Fire. When you look at the OP, it says Silver Fire. (No underscore.) Chances are that whoever started the thread you are referring to changed their user name after they started the thread, as I’ve done here.

I miss the _. It’s just so different without the _. I don’t think I can handle it.

Okay, the thing is, UBB ordered threads by when it was physically posted, regardless of what the clock on it says. With UBB, you could read a thread where the first post appeared to be made hours or days after the second post.

With vB, they are ordered by what the clock says, which means if the clock was messed up on some threads in UBB, now they are wildly out of order.

I remember looking at the out of order thread. The person hasn’t changed their name. It’s just that the fifth or sixth post in the thread has an earlier time stamp than the OP, so it’s on top. Scroll down a few posts, and the OP should be there, just not in the right place.


I don’t get the_underscore_thing. Why would people still do that. Wasn’t that made obsolete when MS-Dos was replaced by Windows?

For normal everyday computing, yes. But alot of internet services, online chats, message boards, and instant messengers still don’t allow spaces in names, so sometimes our members don’t realize that we do allow them when they sign up and include the _ anyway. A simple note to TubaDiva will usually net you a change, if you ask nicely.



In the thread URLed in the OP, I made a response that somehow got lost in the connection. Sorta glad it did, too . . . but I did respond, you just can’t see it because it never got through enough to show up.

Now I’ve just posted, so there goes me posting without having posted . . . er, yeah.

If you are talking about the “For Silver_Fire” one, it didn’t get “lost”. :rolleyes: