We want to say Welcome Home to a newly adopted 6-year-old.
Huanying is welcome, and jia is house/home, but I have the feeling it needs something else. Could someone please help?
Ni de xin jia (your new home) maybe? My Chinese is miserable, do I need a zai in there somewhere?
hmmm, I would go with “huanying, zhe shi ni de xin jia, women hen kaixin ni lai”
Welcome, this is your new home, we are really happy you’ve come.
Clarification, normally one says “hui lai le” or literally “returned come (past tense)”, eg I’m back. You say “wo hui lai le” when you get home, and people already at home will say “ni hui lai le.” “Hui jia” means to return home as in Í’m leaving to return home.
Best of luck. Are you coming to China to make the pick up?
This is a friend’s adoption. VeryCoolSpouse and the littles (8, 5, and 5) will be meeting them at the airport (DIA).
We will be traveling later this year (before August I hope) to bring home our 4th Chinese daughter.