This is an online community, right? Then this message board is really like a small town.
Cecil is Mayor, and the mods and admins–Tuba, Manhattan, Ed, Arnie, CK, David, Gaudere, Slythe, Euty, Uncle, Lynn, Alpha–hold various municipal offices (it’s up to them to decide who’s dog-catcher and who’s fire chief).
So, who are we, the citizens of this Peyton Place called Dopeville? The lurkers are those extras you always see milling about in the background and in crowd scenes, but who don’t have any lines.
Me, I’m the prim, respected town librarian. Little does anyone suspect that my weekly “book club meetings” are actually wild orgies of opium and sex . . .
I am the quiet, mousy girl that everyone knows is going to become an old, spinster cat lady. Secretly, I am saving my pennies to buy myself a male “escort” to take me to my next high school reunion, and to, um, do other things as well.
I am the comic book collecting, sports stat quoting, heavy reading, movie and history buff guy who people like, but he’s still a little too geeky to really be thought of as ‘cool’
I’ll be the guy that runs for the state senate from our little burg only to become embroiled in a scandal involving several supermodels, body paint, and a slush fund.
I own the friendly neighborhood bookstore, that is slowly being put out of business by Barnes and Nobles. In retaliation, I have bought an expresso machine. They have Starbucks? ** I ** have Starbucks!
In retrospect, I think Larrigan was referring to gymnastics when he says he “runs the bar”. I own the bar, but yeah, you can pour too if you like, aenea. I’m only in it for the lifetime of free beer anyway
Me, I’m the night shift sergeant of the police. Dashing, rugged, yet warm. And big hands. And a big hat. And some full-on manly name, like Trip Stoneway.
Either that, or a hilarious town clown. Rich, screenplay writing town clown.
Whichever gets me the most play. I really don’t care.