Welcome to my 1000th post.

Well, I’m not going to mention my post count again until I reach 2000, but I thought as I’m one of the earlier people who registered for the SDMB when it went web, it is at least noteworthy for me… even with the ire I’ve drawn at times.


Congrats, Hastur. From a relative newbie, let me say…


Here’s to 1000 more, as interesting as the last!

Hi! Am I on time for a change? Where should I put this crate of beer? Is a pavlova (cake) acceptable? Here’s a stupid joke dildo present; you can throw it away after I’m gone. I’m already wearing my bathers as you can see, so is the spa set up yet?

Why are you all looking at me like that? Is it my tattoos or…

oh - it’s not a post party? just a sort of welcome to 1000 thing.

[sub] I feel silly[/sub]

Um. [recovering quickly] Well done Hastur old bean! Many more! I’ll just go and get dressed now…


Good for you. :smiley:

Yeah, me too.

and fireworks dance dizzily into the sky

Way to go, Hastur. Congrats on the grand – let’s see you around for another!

takes off all his clothes

Anything I can do to make you comfortable, sir?

Well, that didn’t make me comfortable, but it did make me leap to attention. And now I’m very happy, you wicked Canadian stud muffin.

Oh, good good good good good. evil smiley

I remeber my first, and only pot party. 100 posts. WOO HOO!!! I am gonna go for 500 now, shouln;t be too long

What a lovely typo, please forgive me, I meant POST :o

Wow, seems like everyone’s celebrating a post party lately. Not me. I haven’t celebrated one in awhiiiile.

Hmm. Can I crash in on yours? I should be at number…er…uh…I dunno, but whatever it is, let’s celebrate!! ::turns on music and starts swaying like a coco bean in the wind::

Congrats Hastur. I’ve only got 960 to go to catch up. :slight_smile:

One key to accumulating a lot of posts is to post to everyone else’s post party thread.

One key to celebrating a lot of post parties is to either start them yourself, or be popular, in which case someone will start one for you. (This explains why I’ve never had one.)

:passes out cigars:

Whoa, deja vu

Grr, that didn’t work well, how about this

Passes out cigars


Happy 1K Hastur. Here’s to another 1,000!

Thanks, guys. I’m starting to feel like Sally Field when she won the Oscar. :slight_smile: