Welcome to Room 101

OK so who’s seen room 101?

its a program over here where various celebrities put their pet hates into room 101

so ive decided to make an SDMB game out of it

everyone list your pet hates here and why you hate them

(if this should be in The Pit feel free to move it)
im not going to bother with a starting post so… its upto you

Pet hates?

I hate it when have exotic/wild animals as pets.

I hate it when people let their pets get fat. My next-door neighbors had a beagle that was as wide as it was long.

pet hates as in something you hate a lot not just a passing hate not pet hate as in animals

in case you werent joking

I hate the fact that they’ve replaced all the hamster amphetamine freaks on this board with Thorazine riddled garden slugs.

I hate coconut. Because it is evil and it makes me convulse.

I hate being blamed for something I didn’t do. It makes me want to go out and do it.

I hate hate (as in the Phelps kind of hate).

Ok, what is a pet hate? I think you mean pet peeve.

Great idea! (or neat way of posting a ‘pet hates’ thread)

To room 101 I wish to consign the following…
Speeding in built up areas.

Use of mobile phones in cars and/or crowded areas.

99.998% of the population.

(the ones that don’t understand the concepts of personal space, road rules, ettiquet, peace-and-quiet, awareness of the existence of other human beings)

One more - Obnoxiousness in all it’s forms, I despise it.

Perhaps this is the wrong thread to bring this up, but people who watch Room 101 on TV without having read George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (which inspired the show’s title) will get completely the wrong idea about what it really means*.

In the book, Room 101 was not a room where mildly annoying things would be banished to, it was a torture chamber where people would be sent to face their worst nightmares. Winston Smith’s own nightmare was to have his face gnawed off by rats, so that’s what he would have happened to him in the room if he’d been sent there. In fact he only escaped this punishment by turning his girlfriend in to the authorities, so she got the rat treatment instead.

So for the TV show the guests should be asked to choose the things that would be their worst nightmare and that they might find in their own personal torture chamber. In practice, they just get to pick a few pet peeves that they would want banished to a place they will never visit.

For example, Ronan Keating (ex-Westlife) chose “rude people”, “hangovers” and “miming”; Spike Milligan included “Portsmouth”, “tv personality Chris Evans”, and “my own house”. Anne Robinson got into hot water when one of her choices was the people of Wales.
*That’s particularly ironic because the original Room 101 was a room in the BBC’s own Broadcasting House HQ, where Orwell used to work.

My boss tells me 20 times a day (at least) not to do something, because it is her “pet peave”. Soooooo…I hate people that have countless pet peaves and feel the need to tell me about them.

I’m going to work in about 15 minutes, so I can have a huge list when I get back :wink:

i was going to mention this in the OP but decided against it

Lemme see:

  • People who use they’re/their/there indiscriminately
  • Whole peanuts in breakfast cereal
  • Cars with exhausts that rattle the windows at 2am. So fricken large, you could stuff a spud down them (not that I condone that, of course)
  • Coldplay.

I was about to say…

Big brother’s a pansy if people who can’t turn their cell phone off is teh worst he can come up with.

everton, can I just say that Ronan Keating is ex- Boyzone - not ex-Westlife. I feel like such a bad person for knowing that, but there you go.

The episode with Spike Milligan was my personal favourite. Especially when he wanted to put his own house in there.
I would personally put the following items into Room 101.

Mobile Phones. I hate them - especially ones with Polyphonic Ringtones - those are the bane of my life.
Coldsores. I have three right now and they are far from attractive.
Manchester United Supporters. This is a bit of a generalisation, but every last one that I have come across knows nothing about football.
Wine bars. If a pub hasn’t got thirty year old vomit stains on the carpets, then I don’t want to be there.

Brownies with nuts in them I don’t care what anyone says, chocolate and peanuts were NOT meant to mix.
Loud rap music If I were stuck in a room with a constant loop of various loud anrgy rap songs it wouldn’t take long before I was completely insane.
Bees I hate bees. I never bother them, and yet they sting me. I hate their annoying flying patterns, their horrible buzzing sound, and of course their stingers.

Stupid people in powerful positions


I hate those booming car audio systems. Also, those parents who let their children go wild in restaurants and stores.

Marmite. Because it’s the devil’s spunk. I will brook no argument on this.
Pigeons. Foul, diseased-ridden, creepy-looking, flying rats that they are. Even worse are the people that feed them. If plague-bearing rats had feathers would you let them swarm all over you, you brain-dead freaks??!
Beige. Because it’s a bland, non-colour used by people with bland non-personalities to decorate their homes. I’m including in that all beige variations, such as taupe and biscuit, and especially all those off-white shades - ya’ know, oat-white, honey-white et al. People who choose these colours are generally so afraid of having bad taste they end up having no taste at all. Pick a colour, for Christ’s sake!!!
Conservatories. They look like a tumour on the side of your house, you big fool.
Net curtains. They just smack of nosy neighbourdom. No-one can see in, but you can spy on the world to your heart’s content. Plus they just seem so very common and lower-class.
Actually, bearing in mind those three things, it’ll probably be easier if I just put in all of suburbia.
And finally, children who don’t give up their seats to adults on buses. Do you pay fulll fair, 'ya little moron? NO!!! Then you don’t deserve to take up a full seat! Shift your bad-mannered little arse now!!!

Pet Peeves - I consign thee to room 101!

  • The teenagers in my country who have developed strong American accents. From watching TV.

  • Car ads that have nothing to do with the car, but everything to with special effects, nice scenery & atmospheric music - and taking said car into situations that nobody will ever be in. Ever.

And I have to agree with Rabid_Squirrel about people who use they’re/their/there indiscriminately

The rest of mine will take too long. So I’ll just keep grinding my teeth at them and leave the filling up of room 101 to the rest of you.