I won’t start the spoilers yet since not everyone’s seen it yet.
But what the HELL?!?! I thought I’d heard about maybe making a follow-up movie for Farscape. I sure hope so. It can’t end like this.
I won’t start the spoilers yet since not everyone’s seen it yet.
But what the HELL?!?! I thought I’d heard about maybe making a follow-up movie for Farscape. I sure hope so. It can’t end like this.
I, too, was flabbergasted
This is funny. We both simulpost a thread, and then we both simulpost on each other’s threads.
I can’t believe this. They CANNOT end it like this. I did check out the URL http://www.savefarscape.com since it advertised on tonight’s episode. I sure hope that their campaign works.
Heh, now it’s a simul-simulpost! and yes I think they will save farscape since it’s carrying the sci-fi channel almost all by its lonesome.
Why didn’t they fix it in post-production? Why? WHY!?
Sock, they may get a movie out of it, but Farscape was dead less than a week after the announcement. They destroyed Moya almost immediately - they couldn’t justify the cost to continue with existing sets, forget it if they have to rebuild.
I hate having hope because I always get let down.
Ah, hell not Moya too! they could have at least tried to recoup the cost by letting the fans walk around and get their pictures taken on the sets or something. Fans of sci-fi shows are notorious for thier willingness to shell out money for things like that.