Looks like I’m gonna be takin’ a trip to Funky Town…
Well, if you were in my office we’d be cheering because so many of us have perfume allergies. All a matter of context, I guess.
I would agree with Shoshana. My co-worker (whose office is right next to my own) is wearing a horribly rancid perfume. It’s making my nose weep. I swear, it’s toxic.
Well, noxious perfume is bad, there’s no doubt about it.
But I wear Chanel #5 which is not noxious (I also apply it sparingly - a dab behind the ears and on the wrists).
Mostly it’s the deodorant that I’m concerned about. Good thing it’s not a hot day…
Even nice perfume can set off people’s allergies. At least you don’t bathe in it, though. I tend to avoid it after growing up with a mother who is quite allergic to something that is in a lot of the nicer-smelling perfumes.
Assuming you showered last night or this morning, what are you doing that would make you funky? Are you dressed too warmly for the environment? Does your job entail lots of physical activity in high heat or humidity?
If not, Funky Town is still a day’s drive away. Don’t sweat it!
Ow, stop hitting me!
What’s that smell?
Yes, I showered this AM. I’m clean. And no physical activity. And I’m not too warm. But, but…I didn’t put on DEODORANT!!! That’s nasty, no?
I wouldn’t hold it against you, alice…unless you spend all day lamenting about your lack of deodarant and sticking your armpit in my face asking me if you smell.
I generally prefer other parts of the female anatomy to be stuck in my face, and Mrs. D_Odds has an exclusive arrangement on that.
Don’t worry about it. I’ve forgotten to wear deodorant in the past and didn’t send anyone running for the hills. It’s just that you feel weird without it, like when you forget to wear your watch or wedding ring or whatever it is that you wear every day. If you’re not doing anything to funkify yourself you’re not going to smell.
Now, if you’ll allow me to go a little Jerry Seinfeld for a second: What’s the deal with randomly forgetting to do something that you do every day? I hate when that happens. Ranks right up there with accidentally putting my underwear on inside out.
I should totally go in my bosses office and do this to him…
Bonus points for short sleeves and week old stubble - just leave my name out of it!
Ewwww - this is a condition in which I never find myself. Not even if I’m camping.
I did this at a party a couple weeks ago. We were all dressed up and I was wearing a little sundress (totally out of the ordinary for me). My boss says “hey bean, you look nice” so I sidle up to him and put my arm around his shoulder and say “yeah, but you know what?” and he says “what” and he’s all smiley because I’m not this girly and flirty usually and I push his head into my armpit and say “I totally forgot to wear deodorant!”
It was great.
Once last week I realized on my way to work that I’d forgotten to brush my teeth.
No idea how I figured that out, though, because it’s so routine it seems you could never tell if you did it or not.
Uh, I would think the nasty mouth funk would give it away. Ew.
I think it’s funny that whiterabbit is counseling alice_in_wonderland to avoid chemicals.
Regardless, people can get funky, or at least embarrassingly sweaty sans antiperspirant (sp?) even though they’re not particularly active. I do, so I can totally sympathize (or empathize? Bloody hell, I swear I’ll memorize those sooner or later) with the OP.
I keep toothpaste and a toothbrush at work because of my propensity to forget this task.
Well, once you have something to eat and drink, it’s not like it’s morning mouth all day. I think I did notice it because my teeth felt a little oogy, though.
The difference between it sympathy and empathy was beat into my head during a recent training course at work and you were right the first time. To sympathize, one must have previously experienced the same circumstance.
Of which I have and do.
Uh - where was that?