Well, I'm never gonna be able to face outdoors or tolerate or trust nature for awhile, maybe ever;

Kinda like falling off a toilet and breaking your arm.

Ibroke my hip in April by slipping off of the edge of the chair at the hairdresser’s!

Hmm, I’d be more relieved that the bugs are gone but then my hair grows quickly. What a story for the grandkids!

Yes i’m sure.

If you don’t remove the larva, theoretically it will eventually be encapsulated by the body and eventually become a scar tissue mass. Unless it develops into a source of secondary infection. Then you have problems. So it’s best to remove it.

They don’t remove dead heartworms because they occur in dogs (not people) and would necessitate open heart surgery (much more risky than leaving them in). If the worms have caused damage the damage is done at that point anyway.

She found another. Under her arm.
Her and her boyfriend decided (they were drunk)to get it out their selves.

Omg. They got it. I understand It was pretty gross. They sent pix but I ain’t looking.

That girl’s crazy.

Or, she could have just left it in…

OMG. That’s … that’s …

URK. :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

They pupate underground; the fire ant population might keep them at bay.

One of my sisters broke a toe simply by getting out of bed.

Or Cysticercosis.

Yeah, there are vid…never mind.

Evidently, hatching a bot fly from one’s own skin is some sort of entomologist “hold my beer” badge-of-honor thing.

I can’t bring myself to look at her video of it.
Son-of-a-wrek watched it. He recommended I not look.
And I dang sure know I’ll not watch any YouTube vids.

I’m not usually so squeamish about medical things. But…this grosses me out the back door.

Ever see Alien?

Or, SpaceBalls?

“Hello, my baby! Hello, my honey! Hello my rag-time gal!”

Time to play connect-the-dots!

Well, my friend got chewed out by her doctor for operating on herself. She had to get a shot.
So far no new bumps.

Excellent choice of words/thread topic!

I know a secret!!

Is it about nature or botflys?

Neither. But fun stuffs!

How are you feeling after dialysis?