Well, it didn't take Touch long to jump the shark.

Judging by the fact I haven’t seen a Touch thread in a while I’m guessing most of you abandoned ship a long time ago.

Anyway, I’m one of those dolts that have continued to stick around. I’ve liked it so far despite the religious over tones.

But last night was a big WTF for me. It seems now that our child prodigies are now in the telepathy business! Seriously, from out of nowhere these kids can just talk to each other via their minds?

ETA: Reported for lack of spoiler tag in the tittle…

I just got caught up with the show and I agree that it’s getting pretty stupid. I might watch one more week, but they are quickly losing my interest.

While I understand that it was not sustainable over e long term, I much preferred the plots where the numbers Jake was obsessed with at the beginning were played out over a few story lines around the world.

The bloodshed around Guierrmo’s mission is taking me out of the fun connections with numbers stuff.

I watched a few episodes when it started because I like Kiefer Sutherland, but didn’t watch 24. It soon hit an episode where Martin had Jake at some guy’s apartment and Jake ended up on the fire escape, I believe. They were trying to “talk” him down and, for what seemed like 10 minutes, Sutherland and the other actor took turns shouting “Jake!” as many ways as they could manage.

The prospect of more writing, directing and acting of that quality, in future episodes caused me to stop watching forever.