This article states that measles and other horrible diseases are on the rise. This is attributed to stupid, stupid mother fucking selfish mother fucking cocksuckers who won’t get their kids vaccinated. Guess what you fucking leaches, you’re not just endangering your own kids! Some of the kids that have gotten it were too young to have gotten their vaccinations yet. Ya get that, you stupid mother fuckers? No, you can’t just count on everyone else vaccinating their own kids to protect yours, like a fucking blood sucking parasite. Because some kids are too young, or have other health issues that prevent this. Plus, vaccines aren’t 100% effective. And the more of you stupid mother fuckers who don’t get your kids vaccinated there are, the more danger the kids of the good parents are placed in. Jenny McCarthy needs to be thrown into fucking jail. Her freedom of speech ends where my kids’ lives begin. What she’s doing is equivalent to shouting fire in a crowded theater.
What the fuck is wrong with these people? These idiotic beliefs are so easy for them to pick up, and impossible for them to let go. Some stupid ditzy bitch with a high school diploma tells them something, and because she’s on TV they will believe it till the day they die, and no amount of evidence will ever dissuade them. I blame the anti-science attitudes a lot of the fucking churches in this country have. A prerequisite for believing the truth of the bible is rejecting scientific evidence in favor of what some guy told you one time, so by the time these morons are adults they’re already well practiced at ignoring evidence that contradicts their pet theory. Add to that the black/white good vs. evil attitude a lot of them are taught, and tell them enough times that science (read: EVIL-ution) is evil, and of course they are going to reject what scientists tell them. “Why, those same scientists want me to believe we all come from a monkey!” Except now, it’s not just them festering and rotting in their own little pissed off world. Now it’s my child’s health on the line.
Note: I’m not bashing all christians. Just the ones who don’t get vaccinated. And anybody else of whatever religion who doesn’t get vaccinated. And anyone who believes a bronze age goat herder over a bunch of scientific studies. I’d love to see some statistics on the religion of people who don’t get vaccines for their kids. I have a feeling I know what the numbers would look like.