Well, something weird happened to me too...

So here’s the scenario…

I was leaving a friends apartment at about midnight on Saturday. She lives on a crowded residential street right off a major street. I was walking to my car and saw a guy across the street fairly close to my car. He was dressed casually. He looked at me and nodded, a “what up” nod. I nod back and get to my car. He then walks closer to me.

“Hey how’s it going?”

Me: “Fine”

“You live around here?”

Me: “No just visiting a friend.”

“Where do you live?”

Me: “Ummm, Hollywood.”

“Hey I know you.”

Me: “Really?”

“Yeah from the gym. Jerry right?”

He walks up and extends his hand. I do not extend mine. This guy is up to something.

Me: “No. What gym?”

“That one. You know that one around here”

Me: “I don’t go to one around here.”

“You need anything?”

Me: What?


He then takes a few steps back. I get into my car. He walks back over to the sidewalk on the other side of my car. He leans down to look at me in my car. And has this creepy “You need anything?” look on his face. I mouth “What?” and he backs off. I drive off.

So was this guy just a very bad drug dealer?
(The only other time I was approached like this was when I was looking for an address in down town Seattle and some guy asked if he could help. He gave me directions and then asked if I needed any weed.)

Any theories?

Yeah, I’m thinking he was trying to sell you drugs. I once lived in an historic neighborhood in my old town and it was bordered by some rough streets. One of the shortcuts I took, called “Hollywood” incidently usually had some guy standing on the corner. I found out early to NEVER make eye contact with him or drive by with my window open or drive slow.
All of these things seemed to trigger them to approach peddling weed and crack.

Perhaps you inadverdantly gave him an "I’m looking to buy: signal or he truly thought you were someone he’s sold to before.

Also, he may have been meeting a buyer blind and assumed you were the guy.

Either way, sounds like a scary encounter. <squikked>

Was the weed any good?

A.T.F baby!

Drug dealer or pimp.