Well, the America is Christian" bigots were out in force Saturday

And this is where you lose me by turning a discussion of antifa morons into something about muslims and terrorism and freedom. WTF are you on about?

I was saying your argument is the same one (and a good one, morally and debate-wise) made by Muslims about fringe elements.

(paraphrased) “I’ve had people demand I, as a Muslim, apologize for and denounce them (extremists) I don’t feel any need to apologize for people I don’t support.”

Tough guy wants to pay the government guns to mass arrest peaceful protestors. He’ll even muster the courage to call them pussies on the internet. I agree that the protestors are cowards, i just also see the bitch in you. Like a good leftist you casually call for violence committed by others miles from your location.

Is…is that really a thing? Leftists are supposed to casually call for violence? Dammit! I’ve been lefting wrong this whole time!

More likely you just lack self-awareness.

Send me a copy of the leftist handbook, would you? I need to bone up on my lefting.

Ah, ok, thank you for clarifying.

In another place I frequent, some woman posts a daily outrage and then demands that people on the left denounce what is in the story or video. As I’ve begun calling it, the Republican Mandatory Denouncement Moment, and I refuse to participate just because some crazy bitch demands it.

The little bitches fondling their guns outside a mosque are peaceful protesters? Dickhead? Peaceful protesters hold signs and sing songs. They don’t scare children.

I’m not opposed to violence at all. I think every Trump supporter should be repeatedly punched in the face until they see reason. Or until something else happens. I’m not really picky about the what.

Use a gun as intimidation? LOCK THEM THE FUCK UP.

Perhaps they have guns for protection from the unwashed leftists. Idk and I don’t care. They haven’t hurt anyone.

Bud, take your loss, punch your pillow. I fear that if you continue in this thread, you will admit to us your ordeals in the showers of the US prison system. You have basically admitted to being bitchmade. You think every Trump supporter should be punched in the face. In your fury you admit that you are a bitch. You haven’t punched a single Trump supporter, but you really think it should be done. You want other people to arrest scary protestors for you. Another bitch admission. You remain in your chair, awaiting salvation from stronger men. Who admits this kind of stuff?

Neither did the Brownshirts in their first marches, but the intention of threatening and intemidation was always clear, as here.

You are a complete idiot. A real idiot.

Once again you show your complete and utter ignorance of American society. You are trying to fit this into a stale, regressing continental paradigm and you are completely out of your element.

Funny, stupid apologist for the Confederate slaveholders, funny. Trying to hide behind a fancy rhetoric of the empy bluster.

That’s the worst insult you can dish out, isn’t it? *You are a male who acts like a woman. You’re a bitch. *

Because women are icky, obviously.

There is nothing fancy about pointing out when someone comments on goings on in America and the person doesn’t understand America, and shows no willingness to learn.

No it’s not about finding the worst insult. It’s about finding the insult that is most appropriate. In American parlance, most notably that of the underclass and also suburban white males, you call someone a “bitch” when they are exhibiting cowardice. Are you another one who is unfamiliar with American society, or do you find pleasure in knocking people over the head with empty politically-correct language policing?

Damn, I was going to post that.

Fuck off, Farnaby. Your ignorant bluster is tiring.

Because women are cowards. Got it.

I don’t know what people are supposed to ‘learn’ by reading this thread. I guess they’d learn about the pathetically poor quality of political discourse in 'Merikuh.