Well, the fucking religion of peace strikes again

Well, its 0200 on Tuesday morning here in Riyadh and the ambassadors from the Religion of Peace[sub]TM[/sub] have just paid us a visit. Representatives of Allah the merciful, the compassionate; have machine-gunned various groups of unarmed Indian security guards before driving a car bomb into the compound and detonating it. They have done this to somewhere between 3 and 5 of these compounds so far. Right now there is a chopper with a searchlight circling my head, trying to thwart the next attack.
The residents of the compounds are Western and other foreign national civilians, now wandering around in shock, no clothes, barefoot and bleeding from shrapnel wounds.
My long-time friend escaped from the first compound to be hit. After digging his children out of the rubble of their bedroom he threw them into a truck and fled. He’s OK, but many others aren’t.

Next time someone tells me what a peaceful tolerant religion Islam is, you’ll forgive me if I’m just a bit sceptical.



Well I’ll be darned. And here I thought you might be talking about the ambassador of the Religion of Peace who murdered her children on orders from the Big Guy himself.

Or did you perhaps have some kind of point other than a religion’s teachings and the acts of its alleged followers often diverge?

Hmmmm, sounds a lot like Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.

It has nothing to do with Islam, any more than the woman who killed her children because God told her to represents Christianity. Don’t let a tragedy like this misdirect your rage away from those responsible.

Damn moderators. Too friggin’ quick on the draw…


I declare manhattan the winner.

oh, Testy, don’t you know? It isn’t all Muslims that are bad, it’s just a small minority. That minority has simply hijacked the religion of love and peace. Come on, we need to love them, then they will come to love us too.


Yep Manny hit the nail dead on the head.

Jesus H. Christ. God told the woman to kill her kids. What the fuck what she supposed to do? Say no? Ya, right.

Am I to take it that since Christianity is occasionally fucked up that excuses this? Sorry, I ain’t buying. These people are savages. Besides, I wasn’t looking for a lesson in comparative religion. As far as I’m concerned, its all irrational. Some are just worse than others.


Let us know when you evolve your way up to human.

You are a fucking intolerant asshole. do you know fucking anything about Islam, or are you just happy to assume that the actions of the minority of them is enough to blame them all?

what about all the Muslims that are fighting in the US army?

Which “these people?”

The guys who drove into Riyadh and did this? Absolutely! If any survive, hunt them down and kill them like the insects they are. Their confederates, too.

Terrorists in general? Yep. Kill 'em. All of them. Eradicate them without mercy. Fuck trying to reason with them, fuck trying to understand them, fuck trying to understand the “roots” of whatever their beef is. I don’t care what their beef is. And if killing them makes more pop up, kill them, too.

Muslims in general? Only if you’re also willing to eradicate all the Christians on account of the evil things done in Christianity’s name. That was my only point. Oh, and that McVeigh fellow was an atheist, so we better kill them, too.

It always amuses me when people, upon reading a generalisation about Islam based on the acts of a well co-ordinated, dedicated and highly focussed terrorist group, respond with isolated incidents perpetrated by individual Christians like the one in manhatten’s link who are obviously mentally ill and seem to see any sort of equivalency.

Islam is the only religion in the world which fosters such focused and lethal fundamentalism. Fact.

ANd Timothy McVeigh was not religiously motivated.

Human? I’ve spent the last two hours dealing with the victims of these people, loaning them my clothes and arranging families a place to sleep and dealing with crying children who heard a load noise and thn had their bedroom ceiling fall in on them. There will be some group tomorrow claiming “credit” for this. Fuck being “human”


Lord Mountbatten will be so relieved to not be dead.

Ah, so when a Christian kills someone, its an isolated incident, but when a Muslim does it, its not.

How about all the Catholics murdered by Loyalist death squads in Northern Ireland who were targetted for being Catholic?

While not endorsing the OP, I sometimes wonder if there’s any ideology that the Teeming Millions will not defend.

“Just because there have been a few unfortunate incidents in the People’s Republic of Kampuchea is no reason to condemn all the Khmer Rouge.”

“Sure, some Party members committed excesses, but judging all the National Socialists by the actions of a few is just bigotry.”

OK, the Taliban may be a little tough, but hey, they’re people, too."

Hell, if we were living in Reformation Europe, I’m sure the refrain from the Dopers would be, “Just because witches and heretics are being burned is no reason to condemn Christianity, which is really a Religion of Peace.” A religion’s teachings are irrelevant to the uses to which it is put. Jesus’s teachings of peace and love have nothing to do with the persecution of the weak and the powerless by the Church and King.

That’s not the point being made. The point is that this is apples-to-oranges: There are no training camps where mothers are clandestinely trained to kill their children because “God told them to.”

Abortion-doctor shooters, maybe. Psycho-killer moms, no.

Manhatten - At no time did the Irish Republican army officially mandate their own actions by saying that they were carrying out the will of God. They were terrorists engaged in a battle for independence who happened to be Catholic. Similarly, TwistofFate, loyalists were terrorists who just happened to be protestant and their attacks on catholics were motivated by previous attacks by the IRA who in turn were motivated by a desire for independence not a desire to please their God.

As such they make a piss poor parallel for Islamic terrorists.