Well, You See, We Poisoned the Environment Because...

the front fell off the tanker .

Please pleaseplease tell me this is some kind of spoof?

I mean, what was this guy doing giving an interview about the safety of the boats that he wasn’t able to answer basic questions?

Is this referencing a news story?

It’s bloody hilarious, anyway. :smiley:

All shall be revealed. Yes, it’s a spoof (well, doh), by comedians Clarke and Dawe. If references the 1991 Kirki incident, where, well, the front fell off an oil tanker.

Now, could everyone - and yes, by that I mean the rest of the Internet as well (Snopes! Over there in the corner! I’m looking at you!) - please stop posting this and asking if it’s real interview already? Thank you. Cripes

You know, I am always stunned when I discover some new silly YouTube video. Someone linked this one yesterday, and I still replay it six times in a row.

I should just surrender, I will never see all of the interwebs.

I was looking around the Internets earlier looking to see if it was a spoof. Glad you brought that up.

To be fair, that is pretty unusual.

Well, the front’s not supposed to fall off, for a start.

As I do every time this link is posted, let me recommend The Games, a mockumentary series starring these two (and Gina Riley) about the organizing of the Sydney Olympics. One of the funniest TV shows, ever.