and I proclaim that it sucks. Horrible writing, cheesy special effects, and certain of the “actors” should never have left Bodunk with dreams of Making It Big.
I’m rather disappointed - generally I like this type of stuff. Anyone out there with a defense of the show? Point out to me the great part of it that I’m missing - I’d like to give it another chance.
That seems to be the consensus. Shame. It’s a killer concept. I haven’t seen it yet, but all of the things people tell me make me suspect that may be a good thing.
It’ll probably pick up if they ever get the metahumans to start dressing up like superheroes and supervillains, because then you’ll have good-looking babes running around in skintight outfits.
I tried watching it twice, because I’m a fan of Dawson’s Creek and it’s on right after. You’d think that I’d like Birds of Prey because it has the same flaws as Dawson’s Creek: silly dialogue, overly dramatic characters, weak plots for the episodes. Nope. Dawson’s Creek seems to know that it’s silly and overly dramatized and the characters make fun of themselves even as they kvetch.
But the women of Birds of Prey are so. deadly. serious. that I have to laugh at them. And then get bored fifteen minutes in and flip the channel.