What did the photographer scream when he was running toward the SUV to try to get to Donna? I thought he said, “She’s my wife!” but that can’t be right.
Were the Israeli settlements portrayed accurately? Somehow I had an idea Israel is all desert, but that must just be my ignorance.
Josh finally cracking…“Kill them all! Kill the ones who ordered it! Kill the ones who celebrated!”
Everyone’s beeper going off…just who is beeping them?
I can’t believe it either, but only in the sense that so many characters just disappear.
I replayed it on DVR. It does sound a bit like “… my wife’s in the car!”, but there were a couple of syllables before that, and I think he was speaking in Hebrew. The Israeli soldier responded to him in Hebrew as well.
Israel actually has a rich and varied topography. But I already knew this from knowledge of the Bible.
Yeah, that was good. Josh has cracked before, though, like when Leo was in trouble and he told Sam’s call-girl-friend that he would sic the IRS on her if she didn’t help them.
I’m guessing the NSC and Leo’s office.
Yes, it looks great! Donna might even yet die. Gosh, I hope not. It’s cool to me that, just as she was beginning to give up on a Josh-Donna thing, Josh seems to be on the verge of showing his feelings for her.
My question is, what the blue f–k is up with Toby? He completely falls in love with his twins, doing that Emmy-worthy speech about “Babies have hats,” and now he can’t be bothered?
Uh-uh…no way. Wells, I suggest you take Sorkin out to lunch and refresh your memory as to who Toby is supposed to be.
Republican senator and Democratic senator are discussing the middle east. Toby’s senator ex-wife makes a quip as Donna gets done talking to photojournalist. Donna quips back. Then, same sequence of getting in the truck that was shown later in the episode. There’s a nothing conversation going on in the truck, when BOOM, a rocket or some sort of explosion lifts the truck up, flips it, and lands upside down. The photojournalist rushes to the scene, tries to help, is pushed back by the MPs, and tearfully does the only thing he can - take pictures.
<cue music>
Post-Opening Credits:
Dateline, yesterday morning before the explosion. Not quite sure of the specifics here - I’m sure someone can fill you in if you need more.
I think Toby’s reluctance to visit his children is because his ex-wife rejected his bid for reconciliation. He went out and bought a house and was prepared to make big changes in his life and she turned him down.
So, he’s a bit angry. And he also mentioned that the children are now at his ex-wife’s parents’ home and he doesn’t like them and he probably doesn’t want to face a lecture from them about why he divorced their daughter to begin with.
I don’t think Josh is getting ready to make any big romantic gesture to Donna. Most likely the scenario is going to be that he thinks she’s doing better, so he goes out to buy some flowers for her room and then he comes back in to find her going into emergency surgery (most likely for an embolism of some kind.)
It’s weird how the preview shows Josh staring through the window of the OR at ground level. I can’t believe that any hospital lets people walk in that close to the OR. Unsterilized people would be too close to the surgeons and you are just begging for a post-operative infection. (And those are nasty.)
Then again, I’ve had close relatives die of pulmonary embolisms and postoperative infections.
Put me in the "I can’t believe they killed Fitz! :eek: " camp, he was the coolest guy on the whole friggin show!
Also, what’s with the new NSA chick? Is she just a really good actress portraying someone who’s scared stiff by her responsibilites or is she actually made out of wood?