Westworld is coming back on HBO

Season 4 of Westworld is coming back to HBO on June 26

Has it been two years already?!

Not being snarky, but where do they go from where they left off?

They reveal that all the people we thought were real humans are actually robots, too, and the whole Earth is a bigger WorldWorld run by aliens. Then, at the end of the season the aliens learn that they are actually living in a computer simulation created by other aliens.

Gack…this is a more incoherent mess than The Matrix shitshow. Loved the first season, mostly enjoyed the second, couldn’t finish the third. Hard pass on this nonsense; Imhave a couple seasons of Archer to catch up on instead.


From the trailer, it looks like a bunch of bees or flies come out of Maeve’s daughter’s head and they have to catch them with spider webs made from host goo?

Agreed. Season 3 was a hot mess, not going to waste anymore time on this one.


You know we really wanted to spend some time in Westworld and the other worlds before setting off on the whole “a few rich-ass humans were cruel to some robots so the robots get to commit genocide on the whole human race”.

I just rewatched all three seasons. I actually liked the third season, even though it was a bit of a mess. It wasn’t the typical “robots become self aware go into kill-all-humans” mode. Each of the various factions had their own legitimate reasons for doing what they were doing, even if it was a bit confusing.

And I don’t care if it’s a mess, it’s a beautiful, sprawling, taking-a-chance mess and I’d rather watch that than some safely formulaic guaranteed runs forever show. *shrug*

Please inform me, since Dolores’s reasons seemed… weird at best.

As I understand it, Dolores is ultimately driven by her “choose to see beauty in it” aspect of her core programming. From the end of Season 2 through the end of Season 3, Dolores softened a bit on “kill all humans” as she realized most humans were like Caleb - just as powerless and trapped in their “loops” and clueless about their true reality as the hosts were. Dolores recognizes that humans are just as capable of “recognizing the beauty in the world” as she is (as she was programmed by humans) and are therefore also deserving of being allowed to make their own choices. i.e. Caleb choosing to not let his squad rape Dolores and the other hosts during training exercises.

In contrast, Charlotte Hale Dolores (AKA Dolores 2) started from the same place on the same mission, but spent her time infiltrating the soulless corporation that had created and tormented her, impersonating a murderous, ruthless jerk. Dolores 2 felt isolated and betrayed by Dolores 1. Literally the only thing giving Dolores 2 any pause at all was raising Charlotte Hale’s child and he got blown up.

So as far as Dolores 2 is concerned, fuck those humans.

Now the question I have:
Charlotte Hale Dolores left Westworld in smuggling out 6 orbs (1 in her head, 5 in her purse):
1 was in Charlotte’s head
2 was put into a new Dolores
3 was another Dolores in Martin the head of INCITE security
4 was another Dolores inside Musashi
5 was a Bernard

What was the 5th orb? The internet seems to exclude the one in Charlotte’s head.

Where did Hanaryo, Clementine, and Lawrence come from later on?

I had trouble accepting the size of the park in the first season. It was clearly an enormous chunk of the Southwestern United States. And also in the first season, the big reveal seemed to be (as I remember; it’s been a few years) that the MacGuffin was that maze, which seemed underwhelming.

I read somewhere that Westworld is 500 sq miles (or roughly a circle with a radius of 12 miles). I don’t know if that’s just Westworld or all the Delos parks. In contrast, the map in the videogame Red Dead Redemption 2 is 29 sq miles and DayZ is 89 sq miles. Disney World is 40 sq miles (about the size of Manhattan or San Francisco)

It is hard to get a sense for the size of the parks from the show. But characters do seem to spend a lot of time walking from place to place. And maybe there are a lot of valleys and other terrain features to make the park seem larger. Sort of the way videogame maps are compressed versions of the real world. Guests probably don’t want to hike or ride a horse for hours to get from place to place.

Okay, did she not destroy the super computer, and by doing so, doomed the human race?

Doesn’t Maeve say “We each deserve to choose our fate. Even if that fate is death”?

I think that’s a central premise of the show that people and self-aware hosts should be free to make their own choices. That might lead to the extinction of the human race, or the hosts. Or maybe they both evolve and converge into something new.

With the supercomputer in charge, that meant humanity wasn’t evolving and the system really wasn’t sustainable anyway.

Seems like kind of a waste of advanced robotics.

All the incomprehensible and/or stupid shit aside, the ending was more or less one type of standard cyberpunk ending: she successfully sabotaged the evil corporation, throwing everything into violent chaos but liberating the downtrodden, as she says, “It’s a new world out there. You can be anything you want to be.”

Westworld is on my wife and my persona list of shows that experienced massive decline in quality. We aren’t watching S4 unless the reviews are through the roof stellar.

Shows that totally declined:

Heroes <–probably the king of decaying show
X-files <–really came back the last two mini-seasons they did recently. Season 9 is embarassing.
Westworld <—I HATED season 3. Horrific decline in quality.
Walking Dead <–I still watch this, but it is sad. Very sad. It’s like a human being kept alive only on life support.

I don’t include Game of Thrones because unlike many, I thought it maintained its high level quality show and when it did decline near the end, the decline was not all the way down into the pits. Just got worse and did not fully stick the landing. Not as bad as some like to say.

I feel like there is another, more obvious, metaphor here, given the show’s subject matter. :thinking:

Good thing it’s about to give birth to a bunch of spin-offs and possible movies.

You missed the normal, non-rich techies sexually abusing robots as well?