Westworld season 4 (open spoilers)

This could be an interesting season. But if it is, there was no indication of that in the first dull, plodding episode.

So I suppose this season is going to be Videogameworld? And the Lord of the Flies?

That episode was seriously slow and boring.

I rewatched the 1st episode of season one again this morning. The show was so great at first.

Yeah, I watched E1 with my son and we were both underwhelmed. Seven years have gone by and there are no robots out openly in society anymore, I guess, but Aaron Paul’s character is still doing pretty much the same thing he was before the revolution, although married and with a kid. Good to see Maeve back in action, though, and very pleased to see Teddy revealed as Dolores, er, Christina’s secret protector.

I had a very different opinion. I really enjoyed the first episode. I liked the time jump and how the episode was following around various different people we know and alluding to what they’ve been doing in the last 7 years. Kind of like a soft reboot. And Teddy’s back!

Apparently there is a theory that the Hoover Damn servers are the Sublime - where a lot of hosts went to at the end of S2 (and maybe ever Christina is a version of Dolores in the Sublime)

I prefer to say “Hoover Darn.”

And putting all those vitally-important computers near a whole lotta water doesn’t seem like the smartest move.

As for the swarm of bugs in the gangster’s house… nanobots? And how do you think they controlled him, making him pull a knife and kill his fellow gangsters? Maybe actually go inside his head through his ears or something and latch onto his brain?

Well, minibots. Nano implies microscopic. But yes, in the Season 4 opening credits you see flies being 3D printed in the same way they have always shown robot bodies being printed. And yes, I think the guy was already dead and a meat-puppet.

Later in the season the robot flies will rebel against the robot humans who abuse them.

Robofly vs. Robocop would be a great movie. RoboSuperFly (derived from the 1972 original) would be even better.

I liked the opener. We’ll see how it goes from there. I still think the first season was the best season.

Yeah, I’d have to agree. S1 was awesome.

Funniest callback in the first episode this season: Christina being asked to pick between white and black shoes, not committing and then just vaguely waving at either pair… or both.

According the recappers she picked white. But is she really Christina? Played by Tessa Thompson?

That episode was long, boring, and confusing. 7 years after? Hundreds of millions dying, mass destruction, and there is no sign but a crazy homeless guy and some weird graffiti?

The Man in Black is alive?

Maeve has magic powers?

She has a gun, so she kills the leader with an axe? She leaves six guns just laying around and takes the axe, which magically changes to a samurai sword?

She is off the grid, but causes the grid to go down?

Is this supposedly all in Christina’s mind/world?

I am getting a Lost vibe here. Not a good sign.

No, he was killed and replaced by a robot.

(Watches second episode)

No, he was replaced by a robot.

Well, as episodes go, that was another one. Still slow. I like having Clementine back, though. And in the next episode we get to see some of Gatsbyworld/Flapperworld/Chicagoworld/Caponeworld. (Probably leaning more Caponey.)

The Christine storyline is extra slow, but the others picked up at least.

I’m looking forward to Chicagoland. Maybe Maeve will settle for a Piece of the Action.

Maeve has Machine Empathy. As for the Man in Black, there are a bunch of him, including the evil robot version, the evil original (??) version, the version “in the thing”, possibly more.

Sure, but does that mean the Col who led the team against her was a robot?

That was a really good episode! William-bot’s 3 straight holes in one was genuinely terrifying. I’m also thinking that Christina is in some version of a FutureWorld. I am interested in seeing how “Golden Age” is used. I’m thinking instead of getting data from each person, it’s a way to mass replace the rich and famous (with a few hosts to help - like the Senator and his wife would have been)

Can we recap what we are being led to believe so far?

So “Hale” has a Delores processing unit (brain) with its own path after having been placed in the Hale body unit? She is masterminding using bot-flies to do something to humans that convert them en masse to programmable (defanged declawed) units with black goo inside? Human William (bad enough) is being kept alive in Westworld’s carbonite, defrosted every so often to play with a bit, for … reasons?

Hale has managed to orchestrate Maeve and Caleb into Roaring Twenties Chicago World, rather than just killing both of them, for … reasons?

Christina/Delores is somewhere and somewhen. We are at least led to believe this is a virtual reality possibly in the computer powered by the Hoover dam, with Christina/Delores having power over that reality that she is mostly acting like she is shocked to learn she has. (“Mostly” because the was the bit when she stated “just go away” regarding the security people in the mental health hospital building, and was not shocked when they then did just that.) Teddy is there too. Was she placed there? Did she go there to hide? Other? We don’t know.

Whatever is stored in Hoover dam computer is something Hale wants, even if she cannot access it.

Is this correct as far as it goes? Or have I gotten too confused already?!

The jacks and hardware in his head certainly suggest so. Incidentally “normal” or formerly normal humans can also be programmed and/or controlled like robots, but Maeve has not yet tried to deal with them, though she was able to hack one of Charlotte’s upgraded hosts.

I don’t think Halores has any idea that Maeve and Caleb are in the park. At least not yet. Maeve manipulated the program so they were on the list. The only way they found out about it was through killing the Senator and wife hosts.

But Senator’s wife passed on the invitation to the opera from Hale before getting Maeve to kill her. They went in discussing that they knew it was a trap as they were going in. My read was that they are in the park because Hale wants them there.

I know it’s early, but I have to say that this season definitely seems like a breath of fresh air compared to S3. And appears to be channeling S1 in more than a few ways.

Loved the built in “Westworld Massacre” - though the question is wasn’t that kinda programmed in S1 as well. Time is a circle.

And folks online are asking are we on multiple timelines again.

So was anyone in Chicagoworld real, or was everyone a host or fly guy, and it was all a trap?