What a day for Sequential Thread Titles

7-Up is owned by Satanic Freemasons, no matter what they say
I know that already!

Your gender is important to me.
me too. me too.


Orgy etiquette (TMI)
Can anyone recommend a good mattress?

Ben & Jen Wedding Postponed
If You Do it Three Times, Is It a Tradition?


I’ll be 43 tomorrow (9/13). Yeesh.
Oh, My Freaking God! (Looong!)
I’m Old


Alright G-d, We understand Johnny Cash, but…
Holy Mother of God, were you raised in a fucking WINDMILL?!? (kinda long)


Tacky Patriotism
Tackier Lawn Patriotism

In General Questions:

Does anybody know what this means? (Swedish translation help needed)
Vikings in India?


What are flamethrowers good for?


What are flamethrowers good for?
Unconventional cures for acne


100 Things Everyone Should Know in Life
What’s you favorite beer?

Are we in High School?
Let’s play the Control-V game…again!

I’m going to do it!
Ah… my golden hamster


Beaver Glands . . . yummy or not?
Porno Mags . . . Holy Sh . . . What Changed?

Here are several day’s worth of STT’s (I havn’t had time to post much lately).

What do methamphetamines make one feel like
Life truly is stranger than fiction.

Can any Dopers help me try to get books?
Sometimes even I am suprised at how lazy I can be…

Oh, Vicodin, how I love thee
When friends bail.

Why Do Vampires Say “Bleh?”

Free Sushi!
You don’t say

Unintentionally hilarious things your elders have said
badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM

The name of this decade.
Customer Service my ASS.

Canada gets groovy: WITH AN IRON FIST!
Wheres The Damn ACLU When You Need Them!

Sell alchohol to recovering drunks, or no ciggies for you!
Perfect Circle

I know: Let’s flatter each other shamelessly for sig lines
That is IT, fetch me a trebuchet!

Stupid people who can’t read wedding invitations
Stupid people REALLY piss me off

The Fine Art of British Eccentricity
“Side effects may include drowsiness, dizziness and diarrhea”

The Fine Art of British Eccentricity
child going into speech therapy

What’s you favorite beer?
Ask the Psychic

You FORGOT the gun was in your purse?!?
The 1920’s S.D.R and people who use it.

I don’t know why this strikes me as funny, but it does:
Can one ever be driven insane by circumstances without an underlying mental disease?
Shirt or Pants


Seattle in October- what to do???
Test your paper airplane skills.


Give a little girl a megaphone
Child going into speech therapy
okay, so I’m cruel. It was funny.

Lawyer Dopers: any chance I could get in legal trouble here?
Where all those Missing Children finally found?

Talk like a fucking pirate day.
Expression of Annoyance…