Right here in MPSIMS:
I Banish Myself from the Kingdom of The Pwincess Pwecious
Drinking Alchohol and Farting Flames
Right here in MPSIMS:
I Banish Myself from the Kingdom of The Pwincess Pwecious
Drinking Alchohol and Farting Flames
Also in MPSIMS:
Doper Talent Show! Sign up here!
Fold Your TShirts Like A Pro
Heh, now Eve, that’s going out with a bang.
Also in MPSIMS:
**Disturbing Church Marque Message
Drinking Alchohol and Farting Flames **
Now in MPSIMS:
Mother’s day, sensuality and sex
Excuse me madam, but I do believe that you’ve misunderestimated the size of your ass.
What did prior homeowners leave you?
Virgin Airways “Lips” urinals.
Here too:
Ambient Devices: I must have one of these
Six nails to the head.
Mother’s Day Ideas from the Kids
My 4 yo son asked about his hard on
From the BBQ Pit:
Fred Phelps now appearing in Las Vegas
Adventures In Stupidland
(Not that Las Vegas is Stupidland, mind you. )
death, you suck
…female British slaves?
Weird Businesses in Your Area
Going commando
Need a new ride - fix me up!
Wanna start a coupon train?
Tattoos on Females
Landlords: What do you look for when you screen an applicant
(I wish these two had been reversed. )
Puzzle: Windows of my Honda
Very low orbit- possible?
In the begining there was “The Crimson Room”…
Virgin Airways “Lips” urinals
Six nails to the head
You can get them anywhere…
IMHO again:
Name my baby kitty, win a prize…
Btch or slt, which is worse.
( :eek: )
Are we alone in the Universe?
Where do the Canadians go?
( )
So which “down there” procedure hurts more?
Ask the Internet Abuse/Fraud Investigator
Worst. Job Title. Ever
Sometimes I even impress myself
What did prior homeowners leave you?
Am Going To Be A Dad
Low Brain Pressure
Ok I got a problem with a girl, anyone care?
What Happened To My Car’s Brakes?
John Kerry’s garage days question…
Can I Get a “Triangle”-Headed Screwdriver?
Does Jupiter Emit Radio Waves?
(Does a bear shit in the woods?.. Is a frog’s ass… Oh, never mind.)
What Could Turn Youn Into a Terrorist
A justification for honoring the Devil?
Hypnogogic hallucinations.
Has anyone else witnessed this strange cat talent?
What Should I Put On My Boss’s Computer?
Is “Playgirl Magazine” really for women, or are gay men really the main audience?
Earlier today, in IMHO:
Going commando
Oh no! No underpants at work!
I’m visiting Japan with no real plan, any suggestions?
Drinking Alchohol and Farting Flames
Gettin’ squirrelly about fertility.
Am Going To Be A Dad
More from MPSIMS:
YEEEEEOOOWWW! Nair on my balls!
So which “down there” procedure hurts more?
What does this Black Sabbath lyric mean?
What’s that clown music?