What about Soylent Yellow and Soylent Red? Hah? Hah? Answer that!

As a side note, in Harrison’s book, yes, Soylent was just plant matter. And I know he’s annoyed at all the changes made from the book to the movie, but as a warning: The movie is interresting. The book is a long, depressing, pointless exercise in ‘How bad can the world get’. I’d be fine with that if it at least had an interresting plot…

gets down off of soap box

Then there’s MacRainey’s, the cannibalistic fast food joint. “MacRainey’s… Are you a people person?”

“SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!!!” …I love that line!

I think there was a Saturday Night Live sketch once with C. Heston where they had him scream out that line repeatedly - only each time he had to do a different color. Pretty sure he did both red and yellow. :slight_smile:

Soylent White was paper made of people. I thought that was the late Phil Hartman doing his Chuck Heston impersonation? I think someone posted a link to it above but I rarely click links.

Soylent Yellow is made from Asian peoples.
The red is made from American Indians.

This statement got me sent to the vice-principals office in High School.
Seamed logical to me.

Ah. I think you are right. Now I will click the link, too.

You’re a man or woman after my own heart, Booker. You know, Asian people perceived as ‘too white’ are sometimes called Twinkies (yellow on the outside, white on the inside). Similarly a black person may be an Oreo. Makes me wonder two things: 1) do we have a Soylent Green situation going on here, and 2) what would the comparable term for a Native American be? Oh, and 3) Hack her to death with a kitchen knife.

Derogatory food term for assimilationist Native American is apple, I believe. Red on the outside, white on the inside.

That’s more of a stretch, but I’ll buy it. I guess if we ever get Martians down here, they’ll be different kinds of apples (green on the outside, white on the inside).

I always thought it was “banana” for over-white East Asians.

[/George Carlin]
Ever wonder why there’s no blue soylent?
[\George Carlin]

It’s a transfat thing.

[Futurama] “How does it taste?” “It varies from person to person.” [/Futurama]

Ending with: “Soylent Green is STILL people! They didn’t change the recipe like they said! Soylent Green is STILL people!”

Well, there was just Soylent Green. Then they screwed with it figuring people simply needed a “change”. Oh, and they expanded the line with Diet SG, made from mildly anorexic vegans. DSG did OK, but New SG (a.k.a. Soylent Emerald) completely tanked in the market. Rumors spread the Soylent Corp. was just cutting SE with collagen and canola oil, and adding subtle hints of MSG to make people hungry for it. So the DSG flourished while the NSG with the rumored MSG got, at best, a “BFD” from the market, as people who love people had already voted with their feet. The hand of the Soylent Corp. was forced, so they reintroduced the old formula, calling it “SG Classic”. They kept NSG/SE on the shelves for a while, but then quietly withdrew it. Popular culture erased any further evidence of the mistake by taking SGC to be the predecessor of DSG (which, in some sense it was), and the product line awaits the results of market testing with still yet another Green formula made from Atkins buffs, the low carb. Soylent Grease.

You can generally find it around Easter…

Soylent Yellow is PEEPS

I think the kicker is supposed to be- all the Soylents are supposedly just different vegetable matter compounds, but Green is the most popular. People don’t riot for Red or Yellow, but Green- YUM-YUM!!!

And now my tale- when I was in Fifth Grade, my parents took my brother & I to see SG at the Drive-In. Afterwards, we went out to eat at Frisch’s (the regional Big Boy restaurant), which had a poster up “There’s a Little Bit of Grandma in Every Frisch’s Pumpkin Pie”. We were in hysterics laughing.

The next day- we gathered 'round the breakfast table & wrote a song. Would you like to hear it?

Hell yes.

Solyent Orange is—Circus Peanuts!

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Soylent Lavender is . . . well, let’s just say you’re not the first person to eat it! :smiley:

Seriously, what the novel made clear (and the movie didn’t) was that Soylent Green was nearly the only source of protein still available to common people. The other soylents were mainly starch. In the novel, the police detective wonders how it’s possible that his ribs show AND he has a potbelly, and he attributes it to the high starch/ low protein diet he subsists on. This is a situation that has in fact occurred in different times and places around the world. The human sacrifice of the Aztek empire is thought to have arisen in part because the population soared beyond the capacity of the few domesticated animals in pre-Columbian America to provide protein for, and scavaging the bodies of sacrifices became part of the Aztek culture.

The official line was that Green was made from plankton, but in fact the seas were dead from pollution. The authorities didn’t know which would be worse, if the public found out about the source of Soylent Green: if they’d refuse to eat it and die of malnutrition, or if they’d get used to the idea and eventually decide not to bother with reprocessing the raw material anymore!