What Am I?

A note to the moderators: I wasn’t sure where this should actually go, so I posted it here. If it belongs elsewhere, my thanks in advance if you move it there.

After reading some of the more political threads, I have come to the conclusion that the terms “liberal” and “conservative” are somewhat meaningless except at the extremes where the difference is the means, not the ends as far as I can tell
So I want to know what someone outside myself thinks
Am I liberal, am I conservative, somewhere in between?
I am a christian, but I haven’t been back to church since I got kicked out
I think Obama is a clown but don’t think we’ve had a good president since Regan
Don’t really care if gays serve openly in the military or not, don’t really care about gays either way generally speaking.
If I want to look at porn or have an orgy thats tween me n my wife (and whoever else is with us)
I don’t think the act of looking at the nude human form by itself is a christian sin, and anyone so says that it is is either grossly uninformed or willfully ignoring at least one entire book of the Old Testament
I don’t think that the theory of evolution, as I understand it, is completely correct, but I don’t buy into the 6000yr old earth either,
I don’t see the creation story in Genisis as metaphor, I read it as an abstract of a scientific fact
I don’t think liberals are all godless souls doomed to hell, my own sister is a dyed-in-the-wool liberal and as devout a christian as you will find
I KNOW that religion does NOT equate with conservative, there is a national chain church right here in my town that holds very (non politcal) liberal views
I don’t really care one way or the other about health care, the only time I’ve had insurance is when in the army. I don’t like being forced to buy it and I firmly believe that letting the government get away with that opens the door to other worse abuse
Any government agency with Father/Mother/Homeland security in the name scares the shit outta me and makes me wonder where we are going as a nation
I don’t beleive corporate taxes actually tax the corporations (pass through taxation) I do beleive a flat tax would work (admittedly, I am seriously uneducated in this particular area)
I don’t have a problem with liscensing hand guns, like a car, it is a weapon that can be used in a deadly manner
I do believe that in order to qualify to vote, recieve federal funding for education or any other government benefits, there should be some kind of sacrificial service for the nation (military is a good start for a lot of people but obviously not everyone can serve so that one needs more thought)
voting should be a reuqirement, not an option(again needs work)
I don’t think this was well written, but was trying to keep it short(er) nor is this list complete
thoughts liberal or conservative, i really want to know your thoughts


I’d classify yourself. I don’t think you like what we’ll come up with.

I don’t know. A common fruit bat? A loggerhead turtle?

Okay, I give up. Just tell us what you are.

definitely on the far right end of the political spectrum

How’d you get kicked out of church?

Let’s move this to GD, I’m sure they’ll be happy to help you figure this out.

twickster, MPSIMS moderator

age difference between my wife and I, he thought it was inappropriate

ataraxy22, why far right? what would you consider to be more central? More specifically, what would you say I would have to change in the above to adjust your opinion?

I think that this will work better in In My Humble Opinion.

So moved.

Let’s see if we can seal the deal. Do you lean Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?

Hmmmm, pro choice, I don’t like it, but, the odds that I will ever be in circumstances that would give me a true understanding of why people might choose that are pretty slim now and getting slimmer. Since I like being able to look at myself in the mirror while shaving, more than I like dictating how other people run their lives I go with choice

OH, lone cashew, I would like to think of myself as fruit bat, what do you think?

I agree. And because I agree, I am baffled as to why you would make a statement like this and then go on to ask what your meaningless classification is.

I’d say you lean conservative, with a strong dose of libertarian, and in need of further education on evolution, economics, and health care, and probably religion. I’d go with “confused, libertarian-leaning moderate conservative.”

Yes, I know, I know… but here tis:

Just because I find them meaningless doesn’t mean other people do. large groups are relatively easy to label and pigeonhole, but individuals, not so much. I’m trying to understand how people view “liberal” and “conservative” and apparently “libertarian” also and use those labels on an individual basis and why. A more personal reason,with the decision to be a stay at home dad I’ve had more time to think about and re-evaluate myself and I kind of wanted a rational errrmmm, critique? by someone as unconnected to me as I could find.
Here on Straight Dope, if i wanted, I could let go of my natural tendency to get out a needle and go around poking at peoples sacred balloons with little consequence beyond banning, but in society at large I might get a fist in the nose or maybe even worse so it helps to understand people in order to get along with them and to be able to communicate effectively

man I’m a wordy bastard, I need to get out more:o

Are you Carol Channing?

that was interesting,

So what quadrant did your dot land at and where?

Wow, I think we have an actual Moderate Republican here! Haven’t seen one of those for nearly a decade.

As long as you’re not engaged in personal attacks you’re not going to get banned for popping people’s sacred balloons. So please do. It will be interesting.