WHat are pro-Putin US commentators saying these days?

I’ve not seen anything recently. When the war started, Tucker Carlson went on quite fervently in favour of Putin:

How has he and any other pro-Putin US commentators responded? Doubling down on Putin support? Not addressing the war at all? Bakctracking somewhat but still praising Putin?

As for the Donald, when he was asked about Ukraine, he started to talk about windmills:


I do not follow these commentators nor watch Fox. But I have read that apart from Trump and Tucker virtually everyone else has backed away from public support of Putin. Indeed, even stalwart senator Lyndsey Graham has come out hard arguing the US should be doing much more.

You can watch RT (Russia Today) on You Tube. I tried, and found it even more disgusting than OANN or Newsmax.

Clay Travis and Buck Sexton, whose talk show replaced Rush Limbaugh, are the most pro-Russian that I’ve heard recently, although more in raising doubts about U.S. support of Ukraine than overt Russian support.

Early on they suggested that Russian sanctions were already excessive, and part of a liberal plot to take advantage of the crisis for their own nefarious ends. Also that Ukraine was of no particular importance to the U.S., and we didn’t want to anger Putin because it could lead to WW III, and any replacement for Putin might turn out to be worse. Certainly no U.S. citizen should think of fighting for Ukraine.

Later they started promoting the possibility that the U.S. has a bio-weapon lab in the Ukraine, using out-of-context quotes. Later still they decided that the war was all Biden’s fault, because of the poorly organized pullout from Afghanistan.

Lindsey Graham is a political contortionist act. He’s about as stalwart as a weeping willow, and as resolute as the Southern Belle he desperately pretends not to be so that he can be accepted by the rest of the GOP.


Lindsey Graham literally called for the Russian people to assassinate Putin.

Almost everyone excoriated him for that.

Follow the money:


In fact, the U.S. arm of RT shut down last week.


And, the EU, as well as various service providers, have stopped carrying RT content outside of Russia in the past few weeks. As per Wikipedia:

Aware. But when I type, my sarcastic tone transcribes poorly. I am not a fan of certain senators.


I could get RT on YouTube last night, but I can’t now.

This news story from yesterday indicates that YouTube was about to block RT globally (it sounds like they had already done so in the EU). Sounds like the ban went into effect after you had seen RT on YouTube yesterday.


The leading Putinist in the U.S. today, DJT, just finished a rally speech, but I can’t find a transcript.

However, I think the general claim is that our President is worse than their dictator.

To be sure, this part is entirely possible. What if the Russian military, or the security people, or the oligarchs, do a coup and send him packing? What kind of dictator might they install in his place? Especially the military.

Passing through my daffy landlord’s living room today, the InfoWars commentator said that the Democrats want to get involved in Ukraine to “protect their biolabs and child sex trafficking rings”. So that’s one take. InfoWars is always wrong, of course.

I wouldn’t believe InfoWars if they said water was wet.

< drax >Alex Jones would never drink water. So stupid.< /drax >


More from the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton show (who took over from Rush Limbaugh), from an interview with their favored candidate in the Arkansas primary:

BEQUETTE: So a great example of kind of the dichotomy between the bleeding heart, the beating heart of a grassroots versus the D.C. establishment is this issue over foreign aid in Ukraine, where the Senate’s about to vote to pass this $40 billion foreign aid program to Ukraine. And look, I’ve got no love for the Russian federation but when I talk to voters on the ground here in Arkansas, okay, they don’t care about the territorial sovereignty of, you know, corrupt governments in Eastern Europe.

But why are we sending $40 billion to Ukraine, okay, into what is essentially the bloodlands of Eastern Europe, when we have young mothers in Arkansas and across this country who are wondering how they’re gonna feed their babies? So I think that is the disconnect between the voters, the constituents, the people who have boots on the ground, who do the living and dying and working and praying in Arkansas versus their elected leaders in Washington.

Here in the DC area, on the Pacifica radio station WPFW-FM, Garland Nixon has a program called News Views on Friday evenings, where he spreads Putin’s latest propaganda. As an employee of RT, Mr. Nixon gets his marching orders directly from the Kremlin. His assignment is to fuck up the Left with Putinist propaganda. While Dump was in office, Garland Nixon took the side of Dump against the Democrats, which is a bizarre move for a supposed leftist.

He predicted that Putin would not invade Ukraine a few days before Putin invaded, all the while justifying Russia’s seizure of Crimea as entirely proper and legal. Once the invasion started, Nixon’s very next broadcast was all about some issue in the DC public schools. Something must have delayed his script from his handlers. The week after that, talking about the invasion, he tried to equivocate and suggest there’s no good guy or bad guy here. This is the same schmuck who insists he’s thinking for himself by being skeptical of American mainstream media, while hypocritically swallowing Putin’s propaganda whole and regurgitating it on air. If anyone calls in and disagrees, Nixon “wins” the argument by talking faster, talking louder, and raising the pitch of his voice. Since the invasion I couldn’t stomach hate-listening to him any more, not after seeing the war crimes against Ukrainian civilians.

Garland Nixon is a prime example of the horseshoe theory, whereby the extreme left gets in bed with fascism on the extreme right. All he does on his radio show is shoe horses to bash the rest of the Left that doesn’t support Putin. Garland Nixon is a prime example of how Putin supporters on the hard left are like rotten apples: red on the outside and brown on the inside.

For all he gets on my nerves, I’m pleased that nobody else seems to even notice a thing he says.