What are some good hints for Xylophone constructions and materials.

I’m wondering about what type of wood works well for the keys.
What angle the two crossbars should be at.
How far apart the keys should be.
I hope to make the xylophone no more than 2’ long.

I roughed up one fast today and was playing with different angles and I reach the conclusion trial and error was not a great idea.

Rosewood’s pretty much the standard.

I saw one in ebony and some lighter wood that was pretty, but I thought the sound was sort of brittle compared to a regular one. Although I have never really been fond of xylophones because of some stupid travelog show on early sunday mornings that was all xylophone soft jazz - it was not cartoons and I hated the show, and it sort of tainted me for xylophones =(

Whatever you do, DON’T play
“Those Tender Young Charms” - if you miss that 11th note, the whole thing’ll explode…

(yes, now you know the name of the exploding xylophone tune)

Here’s a little write-up from a guy who made one from red oak, it has good information on tuning the bars.

**Mack **that is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for and red oak is much easier to get hold of then rose wood, especially for a first try. Thank you so much.

usedtob, I’ll have to get the sheet music for that if my first trial goes well.

I need to build a small one first and see how that goes. My experiments with scrap I had in my basement shop yielded 3 good keys and knowledge I needed some details and better wood.