This isn’t meant to be about guilty pleasures, though I suppose you could call those foods evil, too.
Nor am I looking for a discussion about foods that you find gross, really, for all the trepidation rained down on the durian, or lutefisk, haggis, or even casa marzu (Do not read the link if you have a sensitive stomach!) I don’t think they’re dishes that the average Doper is going to have to face without deliberately going out to hunt them down.
No, I’m looking for the foods you see regularly that annoy you, perhaps even disgust you, or that you’re simply tired of seeing because someone you regularly eat with loves them and you’re stuck going along.
For me, the two of the dishes that I’d consider evil foods are:
Manhattan Style Clam Soup. Now, I’ll admit that some people love this stuff, and that it may even be a very nice dish. But I will never forgive it for the way that I was introduced to it. It was billed on the menu as “Clam Chowder” with no warning, and had no cream based broth, no potatoes, nor any of the other features that one finds in common with any other dish called chowder in the English-speaking world. It exists under that name solely because Manhattanites wanted to play spoiler for the divine food that known as Clam Chowder to the rest of the world.
Evil. Very, very evil.
The other dish that I’m going to nominate is something my father loves. It’s a recipe from an old cookbook (1930’s era) The Mystery Chef’s Own Cookbook: Student Ragout. It’s actually not that bad a recipe, but while he and my mother love the dish, it’s just meh for me. And they have it two or three times a month, often when I’ve been invited over for supper. A free meal is always nice, but it’s so not my taste. Lots of lard, plus bacon for a little extra flavor, then they ruin all that by cooking carrot slices in with the spuds, beef and onions. Lots of carrot slices. And my view of carrots has always been that they taste much better raw than cooked.
At this point, now, it has fallen over into the evil category - and if I never see it again, it will be too soon.
So, what are your evil foods?