What are you doing about VD?

My local supermarket had the strangest idea about their customers’ attitude to Valentine’s Day (unless it was a rogue shelf-filler pranking - picture is SFW):


We didn’t do anything special, but had a family lunch. I’m not huge on Valentine’s Day. I’d rather celebrate something with personal significance. And we are trying to economize, so I’d rather celebrate something in a way that’s not just buying stuff.

What are you doing about VD?

What any responsible adult would do, of course. I shared it - with my wife, my kids (not seen as odd around here), the church, the local Chinese restaurant, everywhere I went I was spreadin’ VD! What a fun time!

My SO came home a few days ago and said, “You just bought me these earrings for Valentine’s Day!” My first thought was, great, no need to worry about that anymore!

I still got her a card and some heart-shaped chocolates and made her our traditional VD pizza dinner.

I bet you aren’t the only one who’s excited. On a similar note, we recently went hard core and got locks for the bedroom doors (we have two - who the hell designed this house). Now that you’ve explored the wonder that is a door knob, I whole heartedly recommend a lock!

This is awesome. If someone would take the kids out for a while so I could simply enjoy blissful silence, I might cry for joy. You are a very special spouse.

I’m surprised it took this long to get to sharing VD. Be careful. Sometimes sharing VD can lead to unpleasant surprises! :smiley:
Chez moi, we went with filet mignon, corn, broccoli, and whipped potatoes. I forgot dessert. :o Maybe I’ll go big for Presidents’ Day to make up for it.

I kind of thought the same thing. But my answer’s the same, either way.

I romanced the same woman I’ve been romancing (yep, in that sense) for decades by alternately being attentive and absent at what I felt was the appropriate times, and going out to the same old place for dinner. We ate a variety of Russel Stover chocolates that were alternately delicious and challenging. An enjoyable time seemed to be had by all.

So, yeah, umm, have VD that way. :slight_smile:

Clean and celibate here, so not doing anything about either VD.

Me. too. I’m doing my part by not having sex.

Did this today, too.


We celebrated Lupercalia by going out on the back porch naked at midnight, pouring red wine all over each other, slapping each other with a leather belt, and then howling like wolves. Naturally, it just happened to be the coldest night of the season.

Then in the morning we went out for brunch. We also got a heart-shaped cake at the supermarket and ate it at home.