Well, I have strep thoat so I get to take the day off work. The best part is that I"m not really all that sick - just contagious. It’ll be a fairly productive day because I need to finish packing up all my stuff for my move to Toronto.
Oh, I’ll also spend the day sweating as this appartment doesn’t have air conditioning and the last time I checked, the temperature in this godforsaken oven I call an appartment is 38 Celcius (100 Farenheit).
Hi leechy. Since you ask, I’m sitting at work, not doing any work, except for trying to call my boss who is avoiding me!
I just finished reconciling the bank statements and account for May and have written out group certificates for our employees.
I went home at lunch time to wash my car, which took and hour and a half, but it was worth it 'cause my baby’s shining now
I will leave work early, maybe in 15 min or so, go home, cook some steak and pasta for tea, feed the dog, watch Big Brother and The Simpsons whilst getting dressed for badminton.
At 7:30 I will arrive at the stadium and proceed to freeze my knickers off (think of a HUGE shed with no heating [it’s the middle of winter here for all you Northern Hemisphere Dopers]), I will play three games of badminton to 15 points and I will loose horriblt as my shoes will be frozen to the floor, thus preventing me from moving.
I will get home at about 9:30 and watch The Panel.
I’ve got a parent/teacher interview in about 15 mins, then it’s home to cook tea. Having some minestrone that’s been on the stove for an hour already, boy it smells good. After tea it’s off to a mates place with a few beers to watch the soccer.
Here’s hoping Turkey give those Brazilian’s a pasting and my day will be completed happily
Hey your badminton stadium sounds like the warehouse I do my ceramics classes in. Even with the kiln going and a huge wood fire and a gas heater its still freezing.
Mmmmm minestrone - can I come to your place for dinner Norrybaby? Don’t think I could get leechboy to cook minestrone at such short notice (worth a try though).
leechbabe, I am not LolaCocaCola, but I can tell you what cinnamon Teddy Grahams are. Teddy Grahams are these little teddy bear-shaped biscuits, and also come in honey and chocolate flavors. I used to have them more often when I was younger… a perfect kiddy snack and all. They’re very yummy… you should try them if you have them!
Seeing as it’s past midnight here, I can tell you what I did today, if you like. After getting up at 9:30, and spending a few hours on the computer, I took the bus to one of the local malls since I had a dentist appointment. (the dental office isn’t located inside the mall, but across the street) Got there much earlier than I’d expected, so I sat and read for an hour and a half.
After my dentist appointment, I went back to the mall to go to the library. Killed time till I went to White Spot for dinner, then met my friends at the movie theatres. After we saw “Minority Report,” we went out for some bubble tea. Now I’m home and will be on here for a while before I go to bed.
Flamsterette_X thanks for the link and the info on your day. Hope your dental visit went smoothly. Mum went to the dentist on Monday and after a couple of hours of pain came out to be greeted by a $3000 bill! Thank-God for health insurance.
I have finally made a start on a mountain, yes, a mountain of washing that has accumulated. I began at around 4am as I haven’t been sleeping terribly well so I thought I would at least get some benefit from that.
Between times, I have been posting on another board that I do admin for as well as attempting to persuade my cat to tell me how she gained admin rights on my PC. (I am none the wiser there… darn pussy!)
Later on, I shall be going to pay some bills. I may get a haircut as well, I shall see how the fancy takes me. I will call up a mobile ironing service to come and do my shirts and trousers. I can stomach washing, ironing sucks enormously for me though I understand others find it therapeutic. I feel this way I contribute to the local economy as well
This afternoon, I may go to my club and have a few games of snooker, it is likely they will be having a barbeque as well so that takes care of the food thing.
When I come back later I shall check for abusive messages from the board, watch a DVD or two, and then attempt to sleep again. I am, in short, having a lazy weeks holiday from work.
MarkF I can completly sympathise with your dislike of ironing. Supporting the local economy is important and for sure you are doing the right thing. What are all these evil people thinking of doing their own ironing
My dental visit went fairly smoothly, thanks. Had X-rays, a polishing jet that sprayed salty stuff to get rid of some of the yellowing on my teeth, and the basic cleaning and flouride stuff. Not exactly pleasant, but at least it’s over for another six months.
It’s 1809hrs here where I am, and I’m already off from work and at home now. Aside from having to reply to a really unpleasant email at work, the rest of the day was filled with pretty mundane day-to-day stuff. After this reply, I will be vacuuming and mopping my floors. Hopefully, I’ll be done by 1930hrs, then I’ll be going to my ma’s for dinner! I wonder if my ma’s gonna be making one of those delicious ginseng soups that she is so good at! ::drool:: Then I’ll be back here to this board, checking out for more hilarious threads!
And to all you Ozzies out there, my sympathies on the cold weather. A colleague has recently returned from Australia from a biz trip, and he reported that the weather there was horribly cold and wet! With this report coming from a German that is used to cold winters, it must be really something to experience!
Got into the office about 6:10 this morning. It’s raining - again - and I didn’t get to bed till late last night, so I’m dragging. Plans for today - deal with the crap on my desk, then leave. I’ve got to pick up hubby’s and daughter’s meds, plus a few more supplies for the big trip north. I’ll cook a batch of chicken wings and get them into the freezer, then start taking already frozen stuff to the boat and put it in that freezer. I’ve got to clear a spot in the garage for some things that are being delivered tomorrow. Then help hubby pack.
I won’t get to relax until Friday - this promises to be a vegetative weekend.
Up at 6.45am this morning and in work by 8am. I have no idea why. I have precisely one task to do, and until the client responds I can’t do anything. I’ve emailed everyone I know, checked every website I normally read and am debating whether to watch the Brazil vs Turkey game or just continue surfing.
I get to go to three hours worth of training on reporting consumer deaths. Woohoo! All about how to ensure that everyone who needs to know, knows within 24 hours.
Oh, and this morning I get to talk about policy on dealing with terrorist attacks on nuclear power plants. We are in an area of Georgia that is between two nuclear power plants. I still think the policy should consist of “bend over, put your head between your legs and kiss your butt goodbye.”
Tonight, I have choir practice. Believe it or not, I actually sing in a church choir. :eek:
Let’s see…
I have sixteen pounds of chicken thighs to cook (or otherwise prepare) and freeze…after I figure out what to do with all of it, of course.
Also about 10 pounds of chicken breasts, a few pounds of steaks, and some pork cutlets.
Cleaning, errands, baby-tending, more cleaning.
And coffee to drink. Lots and lots of coffee to drink.
Come to think of it, that pretty much sums up most of my days, except I don’t usually have that much chicken to deal with.