What are you going to be for Halloween?

I’m going as ‘Anti-Recycle Man’ - the super-villian that causes global warming.

The costume is all black with a black wrestler mask and cape. Accents include a belt and suspenders made of plastic six pack holders with birds and fish caught in them, and aerosol spray cans duct taped to each arm. I’ll have my supervillian symbol, which is green recycling triangle with a red circle and slash through it and two buttons. One says “You can’t spell ‘Pretentious’ without ‘Prius’” featuring a picture of Al Core and a Toyota Prius X’d out. The other is a hippie getting kicked in the face by a cop that says “Hey Hippie, here’s my carbon footprint”

Past costumes have included:

  • Michael Vick Dog Training Academy and Kennel-O’-Love- included a stuffed dog covered in blood with a missing leg
  • Playboy’s sexiest women of the Taliban - short burqa with hairy legs showing through fishnet stockings (I’m a guy)
  • Guy you least want to be sitting next to on the airplane - crying baby, bomb, Amway brochure in hand, carrying a bible with a Jehovah’s Witness badge, messed hair with an obvious tube of Preparation H leaking out of the shirt pocket, and smoking a cigar.
  • Typical East Coast Beach Going Tourist - shark attack bites and inflatible shark the year that was big in the news
  • (obviously blind) Firestone quality control inspector - the year that was big in the news
  • JFK Jr. Flying Club - dead guy wrapped in fishnet with crabs and a shirt advertising the ‘club’ with plane crash pictures on it.
  • Michael Jackson - 10 years from now - exaggerated Michael Jackson mask and pictures of him changing over the years on the shirt with ‘take one’ child molestation lawsuits filled out with ‘insert the name of your child here’ on the back.
  • Uma Thurman from Kill Bill (made the costume myself the year the movie out before you could buy it - man that was a tough one to create)

You mean … Ron Silver?

I have no idea. I wasn’t in the mood for it this year and was just going to hang out at my friends house and ignore the holiday, but apparently my housemate decided to have a party at our house so I’m going to have to at least make an appearance and will probably be expected to dress up. I’ll probably just wear something all black or wear clubby clothes. Past costumes:

space cowboy
futon (I transformed from lounge mode to sleep mode!) - won $50 for this as well as some stares during my commute
night rainbow
el muerto
fallen angel
android controlled by my pet turtle in a hidden control console in my abdomen (PAUR)

Really going out on a limb this time, eh?

Well played, sir.

That is so cool.

As for me, I think I’ll go to Black’s Beach, where I hear costume creativity is not as necessary.

I work in a haunted house, so I’ve “been” for about 4 weeks already, but I’m a voodoo doll. I made a black full-body suit about 5 times too big for me, stuffed it with fiberfill, painted on some creepy looking (but meaningless) symbols, and sewed on a big white button for one eye, an “X” for the other. Cut some holes in it and did a messy stitch-up job over them.

I weigh about 120 pounds IRL. With my costume on, I look to be around 300. I stand there real still, like a prop, until people get close enough for me to hear them breathing, then I scare the pee out of them. You’d be surprised how many people feel the need to poke me in the tummy Pillsbury doughboy-style. They usually regret it.

Psst, Abby’s favorite beverage is a “Caf-Pow”.

I’ve been contemplating dressing up with a rope around my neck and a sign saying “HELLO, MY NAME IS CHAD”, as suggested in one of the other threads around here.

But, since we’re planning on staying home and handing out candy to the kiddies, I expect I’ll just be the Chief Dog Wrangler of the evening.

Wow, really? We’ve all been calling it “Cat’s Paw” for years at work.

So much for our finely-honed skills of observation! :smiley:


If you scroll down past the puppy pics, you can see some past Halloweens.

I did shave my head for the alien one, and painted my head and hands green with a bingo dauber (black lipstick, black alien eyes, black silk over glasses to conceal). It was all pretty amusing until I remembered I had a dentist appointment that day…for a root canal no less!!

I am still legend at the dentist’s office. They still wait eagerly to see if I show up as Easter Bunny in April (opposite 6 month check-up). I did get some weird looks on way back to work as I was re-applying my black lipstick in rear-view mirror to my numb lips while driving.

Tomorrow is dress-up day at work. Will post pics.

We are going to a “Saturday Night Live” themed party this year. We wanted to do something that no other couple would do, but not so obscure that no one would know who we were. So we are going as Canteen Boy and Mr. Armstrong.

I finished the 'arc reactor; for my Tony Stark costume:

And here it is with the lights off:

I am going to be really boring this year and go as Speed Racer. I was going to try to pull off a Sarah Palin costume this year, but I ran out of time for all the running around finding stuff it would have entailed. :frowning:

This year, I’m going as the constellation Orion. This mostly consists of soldering a bunch of LEDs, carrying a bow and a sword, and otherwise wearing black.

One of the other grad students, though, wanted to do the nerdiest costume she could think of. So she’s going as me.

Previous costumes of mine have included a molecule, a Newton’s cradle, a mummified firebreathing mutant vampire zombie alien robot dinosaur, the vacuum energy, the Aurora Borealis, and the set containing Chronos.

Tired. I was hoping to be the same thing as Leaffan, but after a 12 hour shift I doubt I’ll have the energy for it.

I’m all for sitting down for a good horror movie marathon on Halloween, but I never liked dressing up even as a kid so I don’t think I’ll do so now. The last time I did was in my heavy partying days and then I just mixed and matched pieces of 7 or 8 different costumes to create one nonsensical mess.

I’m going as a Maneki Neko, AKA good luck cat. So far I’ve only gotten the bell for my neck, though. It’s actually a big Christmas ornament. I’m having a hard time figuring out how I’m gonna make this costume look passable and not like total crap, though. And I don’t have long to get it finished…

Too bad you won’t be stoned. Then we could praise your “high concept” costume.

No, I’m not even a little ashamed of that joke.
OK, maybe a little.

I’m going as a dumb blonde for Friday at work. We’re not a real costume office; last year I was the only one who did anything. This year, I’m wearing my blonde wig and I’m just not going to talk to anyone. If they ask me what I am, I will shrug, nod, or shake my head only.

I’m going as a dumb blonde.

My stepson is going as a Tetris block; I’m not sure how he came up with this idea. But I got to “act Dad” and put together his costume tonight, out of cardboard boxes that came with Guitar Hero.

I’m going to have part of my feet cut off on Friday (well, OK, just some plantar warts), so I’m going to be horizontal.

Wow, that’s awesome!