What are you going to be for Halloween?

That’s a great job! :slight_smile:

Planning on going as a Dresden doll. Not the band, the collectible.

I don’t have a dress of the right century, but I do have a late 16th century brocade Florentine dress (well, late 16th century by way of Hancock Fabrics’s upholstery line) and I can probably count on the fingers of one foot the number of people at my job well enough versed in fashion to point out the differences between that and the 19th century gown I should be wearing, so… :slight_smile:

I think my husband and I are going to cheat and go as 10th-century Japanese aristocrats. I say “cheat” because these are reenactment clothes that we keep for other occastions, so it doesn’t feel quite right to just unpack them for Halloween.

Plus it might be over the head of the little kids who will be trick-or-treating in our Bangkok apartment building. :slight_smile: Oh, well. We don’t really have plans for the evening, anyway…we’re flying down to the beach the next day.

I work that night & wasn’t planning on dressing as anything. I never do when I work. I last dressed up about ten years ago, as Abraham Van Helsing, at a church-related Halloween party.

But the other night, it occurred to me, I have a long black overcoat, a baseball cap I can wear backwards, a fat gut, dark hair & a beard.

I’m going to work as Silent Bob.

Alas, the co-worker who would be my natural Jay has the night off as a religious holiday. She’s Wiccan.

(We get along great & in fact realized we knew each from other a decade ago when we met on a Pagan discussion board.)

A recently-diagnosed health condition and the work of Piet Mondrian provided inspiration for this year’s costume. I drew a grid of thick black lines on a white t-shirt and then filled in a few of the rectangles with primary colors. I applied a similar pattern to my face using grease crayons.

Get ready for the world’s newest superhero…

Neoplastic Man!

As promised, here are the pics of what I am wearing even as I type this.

And I would like to debut here on the SDMB, my very first EVAH youtube video.

My life is complete now.

Got the arm piece done, almost finished on the glove.

Just to refresh your memory, I’m going for this.

Here’s what I managed to whip up.

And a shot of the top.

I’m not too happy about it. :frowning: It’ll do, I guess.

I threw a costume together last minute. I’m going as Marie Curie this year.

Super simple - black dress, black tights and boots, white lab coat. I made a little ‘Nobel Prize’ button, and I’ll pin it to my lab coat. I’ve got a test tube I’ll put in my lab coat pocket with a green glow stick dropped in it. And I turned a small vinegar bottle into my flask of radium. I wrote Radium across it with a skull and crossbone, filled it with blue liquid, and I’ll drop a few blue glow sticks into it tomorrow. I’ve got some glow in the dark makeup for my face/eyes, and a can of sliver/grey hairspray. Super easy and the whole thing cost me less than 10 bucks.

I’m resurrecting my good ol’ kinky librarian costume this year. As a college student I am obliged to show off what my mama gave me before gravity takes it away.

White button down over my green brocade corset, pencil skirt, thigh-highs, heels and a crop. Plus a thick law book, I still need to think of a subject ironic/sarcastic enough.

Also, Pantheon, cool costumes and really really cute puppy pics!

Speaking as a kinky librarian, you don’t need a law book. You need a book on topology. Let them figure it out.

That looks amazing! Great job. :slight_smile:

I came up with my costume just today. I went to Target and bought a couple of packs of pipe cleaners and some wooden snakes. My hair is a bit longer than shoulder length and I wear 'locs. I’m going to twist the pipe cleaners around bunches of 'locs and twine the snakes in. I’ll be Medusa. I’m still thinking about the rest of my costume.

Out of the house, at a movie.



I think I might change my costume to Ben Bernanke. I’ll print out a bunch of big fake checks tomorrow at work, and then if I end up having anywhere to go for Halloween, I’ll throw on my suit and start writing out checks for $700 million to everyone I see.

The bar I work at has a slightly nautical theme, or at least a nautical name. A couple of weeks ago my boss told me that the swing shift crew (all 3 of us) have to dress dress up like pirates. The other 2 have gone nuts with eye patches and parrots, medallions and swords. They won’t know until tomorrow that thanks to EBay and Big 5, I’m going as a Pittsburgh Pirate. Complete uniform, except for the cup. Can’t wait.

My wife was able to find a red vest for me and I’m dressed as Catpain Feathersword from the Wiggles. As of yet no one has figured out who I’m supposed to be.

I ran out of ideas, and so…

Spike returns.

(I have since lengthened my tie.) Further pictures to come after tonight’s wild partying, should such occur, which it will if I have anything to say about it.

My arm piece looks like ass.

The usual - an aging alcoholic. Doesn’t take much of a costume -