What are you thinking about right now?

So tired, but I’ve got so much to do. Not for tomorrow, but this week and this month.
I’ve got the first day of shooting my final personal project for film production class on Wednesday. I’ve got the room, I’ve got the equipment, I’ve got the main actor, I’ve got it scripted well. I need to double-check that everyone can make it. I need a certain number of extras, and I hope I can get everyone. I’m worried that everything will go all right.
Then I have to get enough people together for the shoot on Thursday, and I have an hour to get into the office, get my shots, and get out. I’ve got to storyboard that, and I’ve got to storyboard for Wed. I’ve got a shooting script, but I want to feel more comfortable with it. I’ve also got to rewrite it a little for Thursday. Something’s missing…or maybe I’m just too much of a perfectionist. I also need to get enough people for the shoot on Saturday.
I’ve got to work on my two essays that are due for the end of the month. I’ve got a detailed outline for the one, but nothing except ideas for the other. They’re due on the same day as my personal project. And then their finals are one after the other.
I’m coming down with a fever. I can’t get sick, so I won’t. I’ll ignore it, and hope it goes away.
I’m hungry.

I should probably go to sleep so I’ll get up for my 9am class… but I could always stay up a little later and just attend the 10:30 section…

It’s sort of a pain having my roommate’s best friend/boy toy staying here for the entire week. I hate getting dressed and undressed in front of people I don’t know…

Only a month until Easter break. Yay for Catholic schools that give Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Monday off!

I wonder if the heart-shaped Altoids are supposed to taste differently from the regular round ones. Is it wrong that I don’t use them “carefully and liberally” as the packaging directs?

I need to go to the post office and send this birthday card…

I wish that a certain someone had a phone that didn’t cut out after a few hours. I also wish that I could spent more than a few hours on the phone with this someone…

OK, that’s it, I really do need to go to sleep.

At the moment I’m thinking about how hungry I am, and how I have no Pepsi left. And how my friend Cassie told me a guy at school likes me, but i don’t believe her, and so I’m having a debate in my head about it.

I’m thinking that my work day is half over at 2am. I know tomorrow is gonna suck. 8 hours of class followed by a midnight to 4am shift. I know I’ll be a zombie on Wednesday. On the brighter side I know I’m also going to finalize everything on my apartment Wednesday also. I feel damn lucky to get a nice 2 bedroom living room/dining room decent sized bathroom apartment for $375 a month (that includes utilities!). I’m also thinking about how I can maybe skip my Pol. Science class tomorrow and study for the quiz that I have coming up tomorrow night. Most of all right now I’m thinking about sleeping.

All your base are belong to us!

I’m thinking, 'Man, did college life really suck that much when I was doing that stuff?"

I’m thinking of if I would go to the cinema after lunch today and see Chocolate.
And with Montfort of course.

This message board is cool…everyone has interesting lives, as much as certain aspects of them might suck, be confusing, etc. I don’t know how to finish this damned essay–something tells me that I need a second paragraph between paragraphs two and three to make three make more sense. My ear still bothers me from that damned cold a few weeks ago…lousy people and their germs. And perhaps the most interesting thought of the evening:

WHAT DOES ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US MEAN? :smiley: (Please enlighten me…between math and physics I’d actually like to know what WORDS mean again.) :smiley:

:confused: You know that phrase, “He doesn’t know shit from shinola”? What the fuck is shinola?!?
:eek: What was I thinking that one Monday?!?!? I could’ve at least picked people who knew more what they were doing and better looking IMO.
:frowning: I am sooooooo horny right now, and can’t do anything about it… make that I don’t really have the ambition to do something about it.
:smiley: My friend asked me to prom. I’m actually glad I won’t have to go stag to a formal dance this time. And he’s very entertaining too. That should make for an interesting night.
:confused: Ever wonder who or what Denny’s is named after? Why do people measure the caloric amount of sperm/semen? Why do flowers have such goofy names?
:eek::confused: How the hell did my friend get hard when he was sitting in my lap and I wasn’t doing anything to get him randy? And why does he expect me to give him head every time it happens like it’s no big deal for me to do that during school?

Sex. That’s almost what I’m always thinking about, now that I’ve been on this sexual peak, er, I mean platau that women my age are on and why the hell do men peak in college and the women near the end of their childbearing years for gods’ sakes? :: shakes angry fist heavenward :: I mean, I like younger men, but when they’re young enough to be my sons that’s pushing it a little-even for me.

I’m thinking I can’t believe I couldn’t remember three sociological theories on my midterm tonight. I feel like a complete dufus.

I’m also thinking what a creative bugger manhattan is, and would ya look at that I finally spelled it right? :slight_smile:

Oh, and my daughter’s teenage angst and her tendency to fall in love every two weeks (followed by a heartbreak every two weeks) is driving me STRAIGHT UP THE WALL! The person who taught my son the phrase “How do you know?” as a response to every answer we give him to every question he asks is going to suffer the pains of eternal damnation if I ever get my hands on them.

I’m also wondering if Medea’s Child’s character’s are as active as some of mine. We should compare notes :smiley:

And I wonder if Crunchy Frog will be as amused by my new sig line as I am. :wink:

I’m wondering how the members of Alice in Chains got so damn good.

I’m trying to remember how I became such an angry person, and why, if I can’t remember what caused it, I am still so angry about it.

I am pondering what influence I truly have on my children. How will the things I say and do now affect them 10 years from now?

I’m regretting playing MMORPG’s and never having met one of Medea’s Child or Arden Ranger’s characters :wink:

But mostly I’m pondering the deeper meanings behind hundreds of people typing messages to hundreds of people in a message board context. What does that say about us as a society? As individuals?

The liquor store is open for another two and a half hours. So if I really really wanted to, I could get more Southern Comfort. And I could put it on my new Visa card. Another toy to max out :).

Well, I’m just plain lonely. I like the SDMB because it’s the one place I can turn for intelligent conversation. :slight_smile:

I like Gambit, but I Looove Drachillix
Will my perinatal instructor like my careplans?
I got a B on my midterm----I’m so smart I don’t HAVE to be good-looking
I want my thin mint Girlscout cookies, but they’re at home and I’m at work

Am I pregnant?

Damn, I wish I kept better track (tapping fingers). How long ago was that anyway? Is it too early to know? I really wish I knew- I hate suspense. I always read the end of a story first. Too bad nature isn’t cooperative on this. Is it a day or a week before I can check?

Good thing I gave up booze for Lent, anyway. There oughtta be a way to know the morning after (yes, I know the mechanics…but I can dream, can’t I?)

I’m thinking about how annoying it is when people who troll for compliments cannot give the common courtesy of thanking someone who gives them one.

Go here http://geocities.com/mypregnancytest/

Maybe because I have no idea what MMORPG’s are?

I’m thinking…

I’m sore, but it’s a good sore…

I’m horny, but my wife will be asleep when I get home, and M is still figuring things out…

How much I love my wife and M…

I can’t wait to get a car I actually like…

Contemplating internal darkness…

Hoping I haven’t freaked out Tequila with my random notes and whatnot…

Wishing work was over…

hoping I get to go to the track tomorrow…

I realize that this is no profound insight, but to me it says that some of us have paid a heavy price in pursuing our lifestyles. Some things are great, but other things are nonexistent. I interpret it that way, because I’d trade this damned computer for a living, breathing human being any day. Human beings seem really hard to find. I think this is a common gripe. The computer is an easy escape, often an entertaining diversion, and always a convenient excuse for not changing things…for me, at least. I don’t want to put words in peoples’ mouths.