What are your favorite Disney movies? (by type)

Favorite Animated movie:

Favorite Pixar Film:

Favorite Live Action:

Favorite Mixed Animation and Live Action:

Favorite character from the shorts:
**Mine: **
Favorite Animated movie: (not the digital style of Pixar)
I guess Fantasia is my favorite. I love the music and stories set to the music. I really enjoyed Aladdin and Alice in Wonderland but I don’t seem to be a huge fan of most of the classic Disney Animated Movies. It is a matter of like but not love. I found this convenient list:

Favorite Pixar Film:
The Incredibles. This is actually one of my favorite movies. I love the style. I know the hero group is largely Fantastic Four inspired but the story of the family and the 60s James Bond feel to the movie was great. Jason Lee did an incredible job as Syndrome. Sarah Vowell as Violet and Brad Bird as Edna ‘E’ Mode were great. I just loved this movie despite not being a comic book fan.

Favorite Live Action:
An obscure one here, I love Darby O’Gill and the Little People. Albert Sharpe, Janet Munro and Sean Connery were great in the movie. The special effect were extremely good for 1959 and I think have mostly held up. The movie was charming and magical. Disney spent a lot of time on this one himself. Robert Stevenson did a great job directing it.

Favorite Mixed Animation and Live Action:
No surprise and I am sure it is a common pick. Mary Poppins had great music and song and very good acting. Robert Stevenson directed this one to. Julie Andrews well deserved her Oscar. The movie Mary Poppins was of course practically perfectly in every way. :wink:
If Roger Rabbit counts as a Disney movie, then my answer is tougher.

Favorite regular character from the shorts:
Of the Disney shorts cartoon characters I like Donald Duck. His grumpiness and irascibility comes closest to the Looney Tunes that I great prefer.

Animated: Dumbo for classic Disney, The Little Mermaid for the revival.
Pixar: I’ll go with Ratatouille
Live Action: The Absent-Minded Professor Of course, I haven’t seen it since it first came out, but
Mixed: Mary Poppins, of course. Disney’s greatest film.
Regular character from the shorts: Donald is the only Disney character with any personality.

Favorite Animated movie: The Lion King. The opening scene still gives me chills.

Favorite Pixar Film: Probably Finding Nemo. It gets better every time I watch it.

Favorite Live Action: Hmm, that’s a hard one. Maybe Pirates of the Caribbean? I like both of the Chronicles of Narnia movies too.

Favorite Mixed Animation and Live Action: I don’t really know, I haven’t seen Mary Poppins since I was little and I don’t really remember seeing any of the other mixed films.

Favorite character from the shorts: It’s a tie between Huey, Dewey and Louie. :slight_smile:

Favorite Animated movie: I’ll agree with Fantasia. I’ll also buck the trend and say that I loved Fantasia 2000.

Favorite Pixar Film: These are all great, but I still love A Bug’s Life, and would even if it weren’t stolen from The Seven Samurai. I’ll give The Incredibles as my second choice. I liked Wall-E, but not as much as everyone else seems to.

Favorite Live Action:20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Jules Verne and Disney is a perfect combination. Aside from In Search of the Castaways, I don’t know of any others they did – and they should have.

Favorite Mixed Animation and Live Action:Is there any question? Mary Poppins beats all the others – Bedknobs and Broomsticks badly needed editing. Pete’s Dragon was too pointless. The ones from the 1940s were too disjoint and crude.

Favorite character from the shorts:Define “shorts”. I love Ludwig von Drake, but he was created for TV, and didn’t appear in theatrical films. Of those characters, I kinda like Audubon J. Woodlore.

I probably should have included a minor question: Does anyone else even remember 'Darby O’Gill and the Little People"?

Hey Cal, I don’t even know who *Audubon J. Woodlore *is. What was he in?

He’s the pudgy, Bill Thompson-voiced Park Ranger who has to deal with those bears. And Donald Duck.


I know of it, but simply because my mother-in-law uses it as an implement of torture for her family. Apparently she loves it, and everyone else in the family loathes it. It’s become a bit of an inside joke in the family. Never seen it myself.

Favorite Animated movie:
Beauty and the Beast. Love the songs, love the voices, love the animation.
Runners up include Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, and The Emperor’s New Groove.

Favorite Pixar Film:
Very hard for me to pick a favorite here. They’re almost all great. I’d have to go with Monster’s Inc. for the story, comedy, and the multiple-doors sequence. Ratatouille is superbly animated. I own all the Pixar films except Bug’s Life, and watch them all frequently.

Favorite Live Action:
Hands down, it’s Swiss Family Robinson. My brothers and practically wore out our VHS copy. Love it.

Favorite Mixed Animation and Live Action:
Not that I don’t love Mary Poppins, but I have to give some love to Bednobs and Broomsticks. The final battle scene is a masterpiece, and it gave us the overlooked song “The Age of Not Believing.”

Favorite character from the shorts:
Goofy, duh. The “How To” series specifically. For as long as I can remember, I’ve fantasized about playing Goofy at Disneyland.
Also beloved is anything pitting Donald against Chip ‘n’ Dale. “Toy Tinkers” and “Up a Tree” are the best.

To this day, my scariest moment from childhood was when he opened the door and the Banshee was right there! Right freaking there! Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!
hides behind couch

Well at least there is a little love for Janet Munro. She was Bertie in Swiss Family. I just saw that for the first time in decades with my kids. I wasn’t that impressed.

I do love Bedknobs and Broomsticks. That would be second or third on my list depending on whether we consider Roger Rabbit a Disney movie.

Favorite Animated movie:
Beauty and the Beast. The last great one, imo, before all the overhyped movies with big stars became more important.

Favorite Pixar Film:
Ratatouille, though that might change once I’ve finally seen WALL-E.

Favorite Live Action:
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, the so-called “first one” (I keep hearing people mention sequels that were made, but I recall no such things ever existing.)

Favorite Mixed Animation and Live Action:
If we’re not counting Roger Rabbit as Disney, then I’ll have to go with Mary Poppins.

Favorite character from the shorts:
Goofy. Agreeing with garygnu– the instructional shorts were and still are very funny.

Favorite Animated movie:
This one is hard, I truly love them all. I have to say either The Lion King or
Jungle Book. Oh! Beauty in the Beast, that one too! (This thread is too hard for me, I can’t choose!)

Favorite Pixar Film:
Tie! Toy Story and Finding Nemo

Favorite Live Action:
Actually, Darby O’Gill is one of my favorites, I have seen it a million times. It runs a close second to Babes in Toyland. But then there is Homeward Bound, The Three Amigos, White Fang, Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken… omg I love them all!

Favorite Mixed Animation and Live Action:
Bedknobs and Broomsticks, bad editing be damned.

Favorite character from the shorts:
Figaro, the cat from Pinnochio. He was also in shorts. Pinocchio (1940 film) - Wikipedia

Favorite Animated movie:
Little Mermaid

Favorite Pixar Film:
Monsters Inc. “Kitty”

Favorite Live Action:
Not Disney’s strength. I guess the first Pirates

Favorite Mixed Animation and Live Action:
Mary Poppins. Honorable mention to Roger Rabbit & Enchanted

Favorite character from the shorts:
Don’t really have one. I guess I’ll go with the very early version of Mickey, pre-corporate mascot.

Ooh, fun poll.

Favorite Animated movie: This is a very tough call. Beauty and the Beast wins because it has absolutely everything – fabulous music, a touching but fun story, stunning animation, and terrific performances. Close runner-up is Robin Hood, because the music is a hoot, the casting of Terry-Thomas and Peter Ustinov brilliant, and Brian Bedford’s Robin Hood is scrumptuous.

**Favorite Pixar Film: ** The Incredibles, definitely. I think it’s an all-round brilliant film with mature themes and a surprising amount of drama coupled with hilarious humor. And again, the performaces are just marvelous, especially Holly Hunter’s Elasti-Girl.

Ratatouille and Finding Nemo are wonderful as well. I think I need to see WALL-E again before I decide where in the pantheon it belongs – probably just below Ratatouille.

Favorite Live Action: I can’t tell whether to include The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in this or the “mixed live/animation” category, as so much of it was CGI. But if it belongs in Live Action, I’ll call it here. Of Disney’s more traditional live action, I’m partial to the original Parent Trap and The Moon-Spinners. Anything in the Hayley Mills oeuvre, really. :slight_smile: I just think she’s adorable. Oh!! And Escape to Witch Mountain was lots of fun too.

Favorite Mixed Animation and Live Action: If I can sneak the first Narnia film in here, I’ll go with that. Otherwise I guess it’d have to be Mary Poppins, although I’m not actually a huge fan of it. And of course I remember Darby O’Gill…! Though more from its re-release in the seventies. I remember how every summer there’d be a Disney festival, where a bunch of films were rereleased, one per week. Was this a national thing, or was it just a local tradition? (I grew up on Long Island.)

Favorite character from the shorts: Meh. I never liked the shorts, to be honest. I’m far more of a Warner Bros. gal. If pressed, I guess I’ll say Pluto, because he had the least irritating personality.

Favorite Animated movie: Wow…hard choice… for storyline, definitely Beauty and the Beast, for music/animation, The Lion King, and for just plain fun, The Emperor’s New Groove.

Favorite Pixar Film: I don’t have a favorite cause…well…every Pixar film is a “I’ve seen it once and it wasn’t too bad but I don’t care to see it again” experience for me. Don’t hurt me! I just don’t ever feel the desire to re-watch any of them!

Favorite Live Action: I got exposed to a lot of the old time Disney movies as a kid, so yes I know Darby O’Gill and the Little People but it’s not my favorite. My favorite would definitely be The Three Lives of Thomasina. Love that movie and can never see enough of it.

Favorite Mixed Animation and Live Action: Another vote for Mary Poppins but I am very close to saying Bedknobs and Broomsticks as well.

Favorite character from the shorts: Ohh tough…it’s a tossup between Chip & Dale (they’re always a pair!) and Scrooge McDuck!

Favourite Animated movie:
Does Mickey and the Beanstalk count? if not, the The Tigger Movie. But if it has to be off that “Classics” list, then Atlantis: The Lost Empire, for its steampunky goodness.
Favourite Pixar Film:
*The Incredibles *
Favourite Live Action:
Pirates of the Caribbean:CotBP for new, *20,000 Leagues Under The Sea *for old.
Favourite Mixed Animation and Live Action:
Favourite character from the shorts:
Donald Duck

Scrooge McDuck, as far as I know, only appeared in one Disney “short” – the very poorly released Scrooge McDuck and Money, back in the 1960s. He was actually a comicbook creation of Carl Barks. Aside from this short and a cameo in the opening of The Mickey Mouse Club, he didn’t even show up in animation until the 1980s ftlm Mickey’s Christmas Carol (where e played Scrooge, of course), and then not again until the TV series Duck Tales. So it depends on how you define “shorts”.

I love Barks’ comic-book Scrooge McDuck, but I wouldn’t call him a “favorite” based on his animated appearances until Christmas Carol (or the Duck Tales, which are pretyty much based on Barks’ comics.)

Animated: Lilo & Stitch for the more recent movies, and Sword in the Stone for older (although I think Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast have the best music)
Pixar: Monsters, Inc.
Live Action: National Treasure or the first Pirates film
Mixed: Mary Poppins, although Bedknobs and Broomsticks will always have a special place in my DVD collection
Regular character from the shorts: If we’ve decided Scrooge doesn’t count, I’ll have to go with his nephew Donald

I don’t think Scrooge would count. I was leaning towards movies and therefore theatrical releases. The shorts were for movies and not TV. I’ll trust CalMeacham that Scrooge McDuck did not make actual shorts. I never realized that he was voiced by Wilbur of “Mr. Ed” fame. We just saw Alan Young do a small part as a vet. in “The Cat from Outerspace”.

Oh yes, I loved the young Sean Connery.

And the banshees creeped me out. The first time I viewed Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, I wondered it the filmmakers were remembering those banshees when they visualized the dementors.