Rules :
Submissions are limited to 5 per person. Please do not post title suggestions or comments on alternative titles. This takes a little of the fun out of the process. It is ok, after the polls are posted, to name titles that have been overlooked.
If you edit your already-posted entry to make a change, I may not see it. Please do not edit your posted list or re-post your entire list – this gets confusing - just add a new post with changes or additions only. EXAMPLE: Remove “A Day In the Life” and add “Disco Duck.”
You are allowed to make changes to your entries up until the time that the first polls are posted.
Exclude articles such as “a”, “an”, “the”, etc. that begin the title. Example: “The Hokey Pokey” belongs in the H poll, not the T poll.
Exclude titles that begin with punctuation, such as an apostrophe, parenthesis, etc.
You must include the artist (not the composer, unless they are the same person) or your submission will not be counted.
Polls will appear in this thread once submissions begin to wind down.
Classical releases are excluded.
Final poll, also in this thread, will narrow the field to 10-ish.
Thanks for playing, and hey…let’s be careful out there!